Lyric Opera 2018-2019 Issue 7 La Boheme #2

January 10 - 31, 2019 | 35 P A T R O N S A L U T E | L Y R I C O P E R A O F C H I C A G O On August 21, 1955, Anne Mitchell, Sarah Wood Armour, Louise Smith, and Mary Ward Wolkonsky came together for the first Lyric Opera of Chicago Women’s Board meeting, in an effort to further the growth of the company as a cultural and educational institution in concert with the Board of Directors and other volunteer groups. Today, the Women’s Board consists of 56 regular members, 5 non-resident members, 7 life members, and during the 2016/17 season inducted Renée Fleming as an honorary member. The Women’s Board organizes myriad projects, both large and small in scale, which secure critical funding for Lyric. Now a 400-person, black-tie fête at the Hilton raising on average a million dollars, the Opening Night Opera Ball came from humble beginnings. Less than two months after that very first Board meeting in 1955, the inaugural Ball was held. In its first year, the event raised a total of $17,000 and the cost to attend was a mere $25 per couple. Dancing took place in the Rice Grand Foyer, with dinner tables on the American Airlines Mezzanine. Since then, Opera Ball has become one of the Board’s signature events, commencing each new season with the level of excitement and elegance it so deserves. This year’s co-chairs, Erica L. Sandner and Mrs. Alejandro Silva, continued this tradition with an evening that mirrored the French romanticism of La bohème . Equally as impressive as Opera Ball is the triennial Wine Auction, which features live and silent auction lots of the world’s rarest wines, luxury trips, and dining experiences. President Nancy Searle summarizes the auction’s staying power: “It has grown into the vehicle through which we are able to give to Lyric and to the community on an unprecedented level. At the same time, Wine Auction has encouraged us to hold onto our roots: we continue to host this event in our cherished Lyric Opera House, and we continue to rely on one another for support and encouragement, just as we did in 1988.” The past thirteen auctions have raised over $11 million in funds for Lyric, capped this past spring by the 30th anniversary celebration of the first auction with honored guest Château Margaux and honoree Shirley Welsh Ryan. In addition to these events, the Women’s Board maintains a strong commitment to Lyric’s educational and sustaining efforts. They created, developed, and continue to grow the Opera Commentaries Project, now sponsored by the Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan Foundation in memory of their parents. This season’s Commentaries can be found free of charge to the public on Lyric’s website, providing opera lovers with a rich history and understanding of each opera of the season. In 2005, the Women’s Board General Director’s Endowed Chair in loving memory of Ardis Krainik was established as part of Lyric’s 50th anniversary season. The Women’s Board continues its commitment to outreach opportunities through collaborations that connect the Chicago community to the programming of Lyric Unlimited. Annually, the Board brings Lyric Unlimited’s Opera in the Neighborhoods performances to various venues throughout the city, such as the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, and Misericordia. Spreading the joy of opera throughout the city is a privilege that the Women’s Board holds dear. The Women’s Board is also responsible for overseeing The William B. and Catherine Graham Room. Originally known as the Green Room, this premiere dining space was renamed in 1993 in honor of Bill and Catherine Graham. Catherine, a Women’s Board member for 31 years, was known as Lyric’s “grande dame,” and her involvement as GrahamRoomCommittee chair was a role that she deeply cherished. Today, the Women’s Board honors the legacy of Mrs. Graham by preserving the highest quality of dining service, organizing tastings and selecting the final menus seasonally for this ultimate donor benefit. Collaboration is key to the Women’s Board. The Board of Directors united with the Women’s Board during the 2016/17 season for the Chicago Voices Gala Benefit Concert and After Party to celebrate our city’s rich musical culture. For several years, the Women’s Board has joined forces with the Guild Board of Directors on the Spring Musical Celebration, which has built a strong community surrounding the wildly successful musical-theater initiative. The Women’s Board is eagerly anticipating the Renée Fleming 25th Anniversary Concert and Gala on March 23, 2019, with Mrs. Lester Crown as Gala chair. Never a dull moment! Through the Board’s tireless work ethic, generosity, and commitment, Lyric’s mission to support the performance of world-class opera and the creation of innovative programs for community engagement and education has been strengthened. The Women’s Board has celebrated the past while simultaneously planning ahead for nearly 65 years, and shows no signs of slowing down. — Leah Bobbey The Women’s Board of Lyric: Rooted in History, Poised for the Future 2017 Opera Ball hostesses (left to right) Susan Lenny, Nancy Searle, Mamie Case, Ellen Stirling, Lili Gaubin, and Nancy Santi. JACLYN SIMPSON