Lyric Opera 2018-2019 Issue 8 Elektra
. . LYRICOPERA.ORG AN AMERICAN DREAM Lyric Unlimited premiere of Perla’s generously made possible by Lead Sponsor The Wallace Foundation and cosponsors the Lester S. Abelson Foundation/ Katherine A. Abelson , Baker & McKenzie , Lauter McDougal Charitable Fund , the Seymour H. Persky Charitable Trust , Mary Stowell , Eric and Deb Hirsch field , and the Eisen Family Foundation PHOTO:PHILIPNEWTONSEATTLEOPERA MUSIC BY JACK PERLA LIBRETTO BY JESSICA MURPHY MOO A contemporary one-act opera exploring the lives of two women during WWII Harris Theater for Music and Dance MARCH RENÉE FLEMING TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT PHOTO:TIMOTHYWHITE Featuring Sondra Radvanovsky, Susan Graham, Lawrence Brownlee, Quinn Kelsey, Eric Owens, and more along with the Lyric Opera Orchestra. This event will feature a post-concert Gala at The Ritz-Carlton. Call 312.827.5682 for more information on our premium packages, individual reservations, or to add the Gala onto existing tickets. SATURDAY, MARCH AT PM LEAD SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLDEN SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS LizSti el TheCrownFamily,PatrickG.andShirleyWelshRyan,SageFoundation,AnnZi AnAnonymousDonor,AmyandPaulCarbone,Mr.andMrs.W.JamesFarrell, KarenZ.Gray-KrehbielandJohnH.Krehbiel,Jr.,HeinzFamilyFoundation, ITW, Jenner&Block,RebeccaandLesterKnight,KohlerCo.,Mr.andMrs.ToddD. Mitchell,Mr.andMrs.RobertS.Morrison,AllanandElaineMuchin,Mr.andMrs. WilliamA.Osborn,Mr.andMrs.J.ChristopherReyes,UL Dr.andMrs.MarkBowen,Mrs.RobertW.Galvin,AndiandJimGordon/The EdgewaterFunds,Make ItBetterMedia,SylviaNeilandDanielFischel,Donna VanEekerenandDaleConnelly In formation as of January 10, 2019
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