Lyric Opera 2019-2020 Issue 4 Dead Man Walking
the triennial Wine Auction since 2000, and as cosponsor of the Opera Ball (annually since 1998). In addition, Northern Trust has cosponsored several mainstage productions including last season’s West Side Story . Lyric is honored to have William A. Osborn, Northern Trust’s retired chairman and CEO, serve as a member of Lyric’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and Steven L. Fradkin, President of Wealth Management on Lyric’s Board of Directors. “Being a good corporate citizen is very important," William Osborn once said. "It allows us to do our part to help keep the City of Chicago strong and viable and, in the end, this is beneficial to everyone.” MR. AND MRS. DAVID T. ORMESHER Lyric is sincerely grateful for the devotion of David and Sheila Ormesher. David is founder and CEO of closerlook, inc., a Chicago- based digital marketing agency serving the pharmaceutical industry. closerlook has given generously to Lyric for many years, sponsoring Fantasy of the Opera from 2009 to 2014 and Stars of Lyric Opera at Millennium Park concert as the lead sponsor for eight consecutive years. Lyric is proud to have David T. Ormesher serving as its Chairman of the Board of Directors, on the Executive Committee, and on all sub- committees of the Board. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM A. OSBORN Bill and Cathy Osborn are devoted members of the Lyric Opera family. They have subscribed to Lyric for over two decades and enjoy participating in special events such as Opening Night/Opera Ball and Wine Auction. The Osborns have generously contributed to the Annual Campaign and the Breaking New Ground Campaign. Cathy Osborn, a valued member of Lyric’s Women’s Board, was Co-Chairman of Lyric’s highly successful Wine Auction 2009, and Chairman of Opera Ball 2013. William A. Osborn, Northern Trust’s Retired Chairman and CEO, is a member of Lyric’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. PRINCE CHARITABLE TRUSTS The Prince Charitable Trusts support a broad array of programs in Chicago, Washington, DC, and Rhode Island, and Lyric is fortunate to be among the beneficiaries of the generosity of the Trusts’ Chicago and Washington, DC branches. Lyric’s esteemed Women’s Board includes Diana Prince and Meredith Wood- Prince as members. The Trusts provided principal support for Lyric’s world premiere of Bel Canto through their award of the 2013 Prince Prize for Commissioning Original Work to composer Jimmy López, as well as sponsoring the summer 2014 workshop presentation of the piece. This season, in addition to ongoing general operations funding, The Trusts are generously supporting Lyric's new production of Wagner's Ring cycle. PRITZKER FOUNDATION The Pritzker Foundation is a leading supporter of arts and education philanthropies in Chicago. Lyric Opera of Chicago is truly grateful for the Pritzker Foundation’s generous support of the Breaking New Ground Campaign to underwrite the Pritzker Family Concert Shell, designed by renowned Chicago architect Jeanne Gang and Studio Gang architects. Lyric is honored to have Life Member Mrs. Jay A. Pritzker and M. K. Pritzker serve on its esteemed Women’s Board. ANNE AND CHRIS REYES Anne and Chris Reyes are prominent members of the Lyric family. A past President of Lyric’s Women’s Board, Anne also serves on Lyric’s Board of Directors, Executive and Lyric Unlimited Committees; Chris is an esteemed past member of the Board of Directors. Together they have made important contributions to Lyric as cosponsors of several mainstage productions, including the 2017/18 season’s Jesus Christ Superstar . They have staunchly supported the Wine Auction and are major supporters of the Annual Campaign, Breaking New Ground Campaign, and Lyric Unlimited. PATRICK G. RYAN AND SHIRLEY WELSH RYAN Lyric cherishes the enduring friendship and dedication of Patrick G. and Shirley Welsh Ryan. Since 1966 when they first subscribed to Lyric as newlyweds, they have shared their leadership, talents, vision, and resources to advance Lyric’s mission. Over the past four decades, the Ryans have contributed generously to the Annual Campaign, Wine Auctions (which Mrs. Ryan initiated in 1988), and the Breaking New Ground Campaign in support of the Innovation Initiative. In recognition of his leadership role in the Building on Greatness Capital Campaign, Pat Ryan was a recipient of the 1994 Carol Fox Award. For many seasons, they have sponsored Lyric Opera Commentaries, underwriting this special project to honor the memory of their parents. The Ryans are sponsors of the Renée Fleming Initiative and Lyric’s premier artist development program was renamed The Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Opera Center in recognition of their extraordinary gift to the Campaign for Excellence. Pat and Shirley serve as Honorary Co-Chairs of the Ryan Opera Center Board. A Vice President and a member of the Executive, Nominating/ Governance, Development, and Lyric Labs Committees of Lyric’s Board of Directors and a distinguished former President of the Women’s Board, Shirley Welsh Ryan was awarded the 2007 Carol Fox Award, Lyric’s most prestigious honor, in recognition of her many years of devoted service to the company. Lyric Opera of Chicago | 54 Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Pritzker
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