Lyric Opera 2019-2020 Issue 4 Dead Man Walking
Lyric Opera of Chicago | 64 Dr. and Mrs. Todd and Peggy Janus Barbara Joabson Diane and Alan Johnson John Arthur Johnson Larry Johnson Roy A. and Sarah C. Johnson Barbara Mair Jones Janet Jones Moreen C. Jordan Dr. Anne Juhasz Mr. Theodore Kalogeresis Kenneth Kelling Chuck and Kathy Killman Diana Hunt King Neil King Esther G. Klatz R. William Klein, Jr. J. Peter Kline Helen Kohr Susan Kryl Mary S. Kurz Larry Lapidus Angela Larson andBamshadMobasher Thomas and Lise Lawson Henrietta Leary Dr. and Mrs. AndrewO. Lewicky Carole F. Liebson Carol L. Linne Candace Broecker Loftus James C. and SuzetteM. Mahneke Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Malatesta Jeanne Randall Malkin Ann Chassin Mallow Dr. and Mrs. Karl Lee Manders Mrs. John Jay Markham Daniel F. Marselle Michael M. and Diane Mazurczak JamesG. andLauraG.McCormick Gia and Paul McDermott William F. McHugh Florence D. McMillan Leoni Z. and J. William McVey Martina M. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Leland V. Meader Dr. and Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Mesrobian Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Meyers Barbara Terman Michaels MichaelMillerandSheilaNaughten Edward S. and Barbara L. Mills Vlasta A. "Vee" Minarich BettyAnn Mocek and Adam R. Walker Robert and Lois Moeller Dr. Virginia Saft Mond Julia G. Munoz Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Mr. Oliver Nickels Edward and Gayla Nieminen Florence C. Norstrom Patricia A. Noska Linda Moses Novak Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Oliver, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Olson Stephen S. Orphanos Jonathan Orser Joan Pantsios Robert W. Parsons, M.D. George R. Paterson Dr. Joan E. Patterson George Pepper, M.D. Elizabeth Anne Peters Susanne P. Petersson Genevieve M. Phelps Frances Pietch Karen and Dick Pigott Ms. Lois Polakoff Martilias A. Porreca, CFP Kenneth Porrello and Sherry McFall D. Elizabeth Price Mrs. Edward S. Price Mary Raffetto-Robins Roberta Lyn Anderson Rains Linda Raschke Sherrie Kahn Reddick Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Reed Michael and Susan "Holly" Reiter Evelyn R. Richer Jennie M. Righeimer Gerald L. Ritholz Jadwiga Roguska-Kyts, M.D., in memory of Robert Kyts Sylvie Romanowski James and Janet Rosenbaum Joseph C. Russo Dennis Ryan Louise M. Ryssmann Eugene Rzym, in memory of Adaline Rzym David Sachs Suzanne and William Samuels Mary T. Schafer Douglas M. Schmidt Franklin R. Schmidt Martha P. Schneider Donald Seibert Sherie Coren Shapiro Charles Chris Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Shaw David Shayne Jared Shlaes Joanne Silver Andrew Barry Simmons and Mitchell Loewenthal-Grassini Margles Singleton andClay Young Dr. Ira Singer Thomas G. Sinkovic Norman and Mirella Smith Mary Soleiman Elaine Soter Mrs. Jay Spaulding James Staples Sherie B. Stein J. Allyson Stern Carol A. Stitzer Daniel and Norene W. Stucka Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Stuffers Emily J. Su Peggy Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John C. Telander Cheryl L. Thaxton Dr. David Thurn Karen Hletko Tiersky Myron Tiersky Jacqueline Tilles Lawrence E. Timmins Trust Mrs. William C. Tippens Paul and Judith Tuszynski Ultmann Family Charitable Remainder Unitrust Cynthia Vahlkamp and Robert Kenyon Charitable Trust Marlene A. Van Skike Nancy Johnson Vazzano Raita Vilnins Malcolm V. Vye, MD Darcy Lynn Walker Gary T. Walther Albert Wang Barbara M. Wanke Louella Krueger Ward Boyd Edmonston & Edward Warro Endowment Fund Karl Wechter Patricia M. Wees Mrs. Richard H. Wehman Claude M. Weil Eric Weimer and Edwin Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Weinberg Joanna L. Weiss Joan and Marco Weiss Mrs. Melville W. Wendell Sandra Wenner Caroline C. Wheeler Jane B. White Dr. and Mrs. Peter Willson Nora Winsberg Christine S. Winter Massie MD & James G. Massie Brien and Cathy Wloch Mrs. William Wunder Daniel R. Zillmann ESTATE GIFTS The following estates have generously provided gifts of bequests and other planned gifts to Lyric. Due to space limitations, listings include only planned bequests received in the past three years. With deepest regards, Lyric commemorates and remembers those departed Lyric patrons who have honored us with these most profound commitments. James S. Aagaard Sara P. Anastaplo Nancy D. Anderson Mrs. Roger A. Anderson Walter Bandi Constance and Liduina Barbantini Dr. Gregory L. Boshart Donna Brunsma Dr. Mary Louise Hirsch Burger and Mr. William Burger Terry J. Burgeson Muriel A. Burnet Mrs. Campbell de Frise Ellen Clasen Ellen Cole Charitable Remainder Trust Robert P. Cooke Nelson D. Cornelius Barbara Coussement Kathryn Cunningham Marianne Deson-Herstein Trust in memory of Samuel and Sarah Deson Estelle Edlis Edward Elisberg Joseph Ender Regina C. Fain Roy Fisher Darlene and Kenneth Fiske Lynette Flowers Robert B. Fordham Richard Foster Elaine S. Frank Henry Frank Thomas Frisch Doris Graber Evelyn Greene Ann B. Grimes Joseph M. Kacena Stuart Kane Robert and Jeanne Kapoun Kip Kelley Paul R. Keske Nancy W. Knowles Ruth L. Labitzke Sarrah and Sadie Lapinsky Ernest Lester Arthur B. Logan Doris C. Lorz Dr. Alexis W Maier Trust Dr. Bill Moor Mario A. Munoz Jerome and Elaine Nerenberg Foundation Herbert and Brigitte Neuhaus John and Maynette Neundorf Mrs. Oliver Nickels Venrice R. Palmer Richard Pearlman Charitable Trust Fund for Music Helen Petersen George T. Rhodes Joan Richards Merlin and Gladys Rostad Pierrete E. Sauvat Lois Schmidt Edwin and Margaret W. Seeboeck Rose L. Shure and SidneyN. Shure Joan M. Skepnek Barry Sullivan Phil Turner Edmund J. Valonis Amanda Veazley Paul and Virginia Wilcox Joseph Yashon Ed Zasadil Audrey A. Zywicki More information about becoming an Overture Society member and the related levels and benefits associated with that generous support is available through Lyric’s Gift Planning Office at 312-827-5654 or .
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