Lyric Opera 2019-2020 Issue 7 The Light in the Piazza
Lyric Opera House | 15 me just in terms of tessitura. But in those same numbers it still goes up into higher registers. Because it’s intimate, you can’t push to make a lot of sound – you want to be correct stylistically. So we allow the microphone to do the heavy lifting of this music and also to blend it. It’s a completely different world now. There is an almost improvisational feel to some of the writing. Adam, I think, loves to journey more than to arrive. It’s that spinning quality of his lyrics. That must lend itself to your kind of voice, even if you have to make those adjustments, even if it is on the low side. It’s remarkable, the beautiful complexity of what he’s written, the number of modulations and things going where you don’t expect them to go, harmonically speaking. It’s a very cultivated writing. I’m so impressed with his work. And with Craig, the two of them have created something very special. Adam, the lyricist, is interesting because it’s not exactly the same voice as Craig’s voice, but they complement each other perfectly. Hear the entire interview with Renée Fleming by visiting Interview by Edward Seckerson ‘ITALY IS AN INSPIRATION FOR THIS, THE BEAUTY, THE BEING AWAY FROMHOME, THE SENSE OF ADVENTURE… ITALY IS A VERY IMPORTANTCHARACTER – IN AWAY, IT’S A PROTAGONIST’
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