Lyric Opera 2019-2020 Issue 7 The Light in the Piazza

SALES GALLERY, BY APPOINTMENT 401 No r t h Mi ch i gan Avenue , 28t h Fl oo r t r i bune t owe r. com 3 1 2 .967. 3700 Stor ied Luxur y C O N T E M P O R A R Y H O M E S . I C O N I C A R C H I T E C T U R E . DL# 2556130 All floor plans shown are for illustrative purposes only. Floor plans may not depict final design of units as constructed and may not be drawn to scale. All sketches, renderings, architectural models, materials, plans, specifications, terms,prices,conditionsandstatements, includingestimated timeframesanddates,containedhereinareproposedonlyandarenot intended toconstitute representations.Developer reserves the right to makemodifications in itssolediscretionandwithoutpriornotice.Allphotographsand renderingsaremerely intendedas illustrationsof theactivitiesandconceptsdepicted thereinas interpretedby theartists.Developer makesnorepresentationsregardinganyviewand/orexposure to lightatany time includinganyexistingor futureconstructionbyeitherownerora thirdparty.Square footageandceilingheightsareapproximateandmay bebasedonvariousmeasurementmethodologies,subjecttoconstructionvariancesandtolerances,aswellasredesign,andvary fromunittounit(andmayvary fromfloortofloor).Thisbrochureshallnotconstituteavalid offer inany jurisdictionwherepriorregistration isrequiredandnotyet fulfilled.Whereused,developershallmeanTribuneTowerWest (Chicago)Owner,LLCand itsaffiliatedentitiesand their respectivemanagers,members,directors,shareholders,partners,agents, affiliates and employees. The CHICAGO TRIBUNE ® sign is used under license. All Rights Reserved. Developer License #2556130.