Lyric Opera 2021-2022 Issue 1 Macbeth

Lyric Opera of Chicago | 20 Additional support is provided by Lyric Opera of Chicago’s Production Circle. Lyric Opera of Chicago gratefully acknowledges the support of the NIB Foundation Italian Opera Endowed Chair and the Guild Board of Directors Verdi Endowed Chair. Lyric Opera of Chicago wishes to thank its Of cial Airline,American Airlines. A co-production of Lyric Opera of Chicago and Canadian Opera Company. Scenery constructed by Bay Production Ltd. Lyric Opera of Chicago Scene Shop Costumes constructed by Lyric Opera of Chicago Costume Shop Das Gewand Klaus Frech Schneidermeister Seams Unlimited Steppenwolf Costume Shop Debbie Boyd Laura Whitlock Nicola Killeen Textiles Puppets constructed by Robert Allsopp & Associates Ltd. Projected English titles by Colin Ure. APPROXIMATE TIMINGS Acts 1 & 2 1 hour, 25 minutes Intermission 30 minutes Acts 3 & 4 1 hour, 5 minutes Total 3 hours Act one Scene 1. King Duncan’s generals, Macbeth and Banquo, encounter witches who prophesize that Macbeth will be made Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, while Banquo will be the father of kings. Moments after the witches have vanished, messengers from Duncan arrive and proclaim that Macbeth has been named Thane of Cawdor. The generals are mysti ed at the swift ful llment of the rst part of the prophecy. After the men have departed, the witches agree to reassemble at the rst storm to ful ll the second prophecy and to deliver an oracle to Macbeth, who will, they know, consult them again. Scene 2. Lady Macbeth reads a letter from her husband describing the eerie events. She wishes for her husband’s swift return so that she may aid him in ascending to the throne. A servant informs Lady Macbeth that the King, accompanied by Macbeth, will arrive that night. She then invokes the spirits of darkness to help her accomplish Duncan’s murder. Macbeth joins his wife, and she reveals her plan which must be carried out before the King’s departure in the morning. Alone, Macbeth contemplates the deed that lays before him. With a bloody dagger in his hand, he encounters Lady Macbeth and tells her of Duncan’s death. She urges him to smear the sleeping guards with blood so they will be accused of the murder. He refuses, and she takes the dagger and ful lls the task herself. Macduff and Banquo come to awaken the king to continue his journey. When the murder is discovered, Macbeth and his wife feign horror as they join Duncan’s followers in their cries for vengeance. Act two Scene 1. Malcolm, Duncan’s son, has ed to England, and his ight con rms the court’s suspicion that he is guilty of his father’s death. This leaves the throne vacant for Macbeth. He recalls the prophecy that Banquo’s sons shall be kings and con des in Lady Macbeth his plan to murder Banquo and his only son. When Macbeth has gone, Lady Macbeth easily reconciles herself for the necessity of more bloodshed and anticipates the thrill of power when all threats to Macbeth’s position have been removed. Scene 2. Accompanied by his son during the evening, Banquo is lled with foreboding. He is killed by Macbeth’s assassins, but his son escapes. ENRIQUE CIRCLE Alice & John Butler Sylvia Neil & Daniel Fischel Robert & Penelope Steiner Family Foundation PRODUCTION SPONSORS Julie & Roger Baskes Marlys A. Beider Patricia A. Kenney & Gregory J.O’Leary Synopsis