Lyric Opera 2021-2022 Issue 5 Tosca 1

Build upon generations of opera lovers LYRIC YOUNG PROFESSIONALS Be part of the future of opera by joining a community of like-minded professionals, including access to networking events, discounts to the performances you love, and supporting the emerging artists of the Ryan Opera Center. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT LYP, PLEASE CONTACT THE LYRIC BOARDS OFFICE 312.827.5676 /LyricYoungProfessionals @lyricoperayp Photo: Jaclyn Simpson BLANCHARD/LEMMONS Lyric premiere Sung in English with projected English titles March 24 - April 8 312.827.5600 Lyric’snewco-productionofBlanchard’s Fire ShutUp inMyBones isgenerouslymadepossiblebyan AnonymousDonor , the Zell Family Foundation , the Harris Family Foundation , the LauterMcDougalCharitable Fund , H.GaelNeeson , Ethel&WilliamGofen , Susan&RobertMorrison ,and ITW withadditional support from The Joyce Foundation . Photo:Kyle Flubacker Fire ShutUp inMyBones .Anoperaby TerenceBlanchard.Basedon thebookbyCharlesM.Blow. LibrettobyKasi Lemmons. Commissionedby theMetropolitanOpera.OriginallycommissionedbyOpera Theatreof St. Louis,co-commissionedby Jazz St. Louis. FIRE SHUT UP IN MY BONES