Lyric Opera 2022-2023 Issue 4- Don Carlos
Lyric Opera of Chicago | 24 Synopsis continued ACT III Eboli writes a message for Carlos, inviting him to a secret meeting. Carlos arrives, thinking that the assignation is with Elisabeth, but when Carlos discovers that it is instead with Eboli, he rejects her advances. She realizes where the prince’s true feelings lie and swears to expose him. Rodrigue arrives in time to overhear Eboli and threatens to kill her, but Carlos prevents him. Eboli leaves. Rodrigue persuades Carlos that he is now in danger, and Carlos hands over some secret papers to him for safekeeping. At a public burning of heretics in front of Madrid’s Basilica of Our Lady of Atocha, Carlos leads a group of Flemish deputies to Philippe. The king rejects their pleas for freedom. When he also dismisses Carlos’s own request to rule Flanders, the prince draws his sword on his father. Rodrigue disarms him, and Carlos is arrested. In thanks, Philippe makes the Marquis a duke. A group of heretics is led to the stake as a voice from above welcomes their souls into heaven. INTERMISSION ACT IV In his study at night, the king re ects on his old age and his marriage to a wife who doesn’t love him. He consults with the old, blind Grand Inquisitor, who supports a death sentence for Carlos: As God sacri ced his son to save mankind, so Philippe must sti e his love for his son for the sake of the faith. The Inquisitor also demands that Rodrigue be handed over to him. As he leaves, Philippe wonders if the throne must always yield to the altar. Elisabeth enters, having discovered that her jewel case has been stolen. Eboli, who knows that Elisabeth keeps a portrait of Carlos in it, had taken the box and given it to the king. Philippe now shows the box to Elisabeth, takes out the portrait, and accuses her of adultery. Elisabeth collapses, and the king calls for help. With Eboli, Rodrigue rushes in, expressing amazement that a king who rules half the world cannot govern his own emotions, while Eboli feels remorse at what her jealousy has wrought. Alone with Elisabeth, Eboli confesses that she not only falsely accused her but that she has been the king’s mistress. Elisabeth orders her from the court. Eboli laments her fatal beauty and swears to spend her nal day in Spain trying to save Carlos. Rodrigue visits Carlos in prison to tell him that he has used the secret papers to take upon himself the blame for the Flemish rebellion. He is now a marked man, so Carlos must take up the cause of liberty for Flanders. Agents of the Inquisition shoot Rodrigue, who dies telling Carlos that Elisabeth will meet him at the monastery of St. Just and declaring that he is happy to have sacri ced his life for a man who will become Spain’s savior. Philippe arrives to make peace with Carlos. When a Spanish mob comes to rescue Carlos from his cell, the king offers himself as an attempt to quell their anger. Carlos escapes, and the mob halts when the Grand Inquisitor enters. He commands everyone to their knees, and in his terrifying presence, peace is restored. ACT V Elisabeth has come to the monastery, wanting only her own death. When Carlos appears, she encourages him to continue Rodrigue’s quest for freedom in Flanders, and they hope for happiness in the next world. As they say goodbye, Philippe and the Grand Inquisitor arrive. As the agents of the Inquisition move in on Carlos, the disembodied voice of Charles V can be heard out of the darkness, insisting that suffering is unavoidable and ceases only in heaven. Reprinted courtesy of the Metropolitan Opera
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