Lyric Opera 2022-2023 Issue 4- Don Carlos

Lyric Opera of Chicago | 54 Kerma & John Karoly Kenneth Kelling Chuck & Kathy Killman Diana Hunt King Neil King R. William Klein, Jr. Laura & LeRoy Klemt J. Peter Kline Helen Kohr Susan Kryl Edward & Adrienne Kolb Barbara A. Kummerer, in memory of Thomas H. Kummerer Carol & John Kunze Mary S. Kurz Larry Lapidus Barbara K. Larsen Angela Larson & Bamshad Mobasher Thomas & Annelise Lawson Henrietta Leary Dr. & Mrs. Andrew O. Lewicky Pamela Forbes Lieberman Mrs. Paul Lieberman Carole F. Liebson Carol L. Linne Doris C. Lorz Carolyn Lovering Carlotta & Ronald Lucchesi Dorette P. S. Luke William & Terry Maher James C. & Suzette M. Mahneke Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Malatesta Jeanne Randall Malkin Ann Chassin Mallow Jennifer J. Malpass Dr. & Mrs. Karl Lee Manders Allison R. Manley Daniel T. Manoogian Mrs. John Jay Markham Daniel F Marselle Judy Marth Dr. Christine Winter Massie & Mr. James Massie Michael P. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mayer Michael M. & Diane Mazurczak Mrs. David McCandless James G. & Laura G. McCormick Gia & Paul McDermott Nancy Lauter McDougal Blythe Jaski McGarvie William F. McHugh Leoni Zverow McVey & Bill McVey Martina M. Mead Mr. & Mrs. Leland V. Meader Bill Melamed Dr. & Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Mesrobian Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Meyers Barbara Terman Michaels Margaret & Craig Milkint Gerry M. Miller Michael Miller & Sheila Naughten Susan M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William A. Miller Edward S. & Barbara L. Mills Martha A. Mills Vlasta A. “Vee” Minarich David & Justine K. Mintzer BettyAnn Mocek & Adam R. Walker Robert & Lois Moeller Dr. Virginia Saft Mond Drs. Bill & Elaine Moor Allan & Elaine Muchin Julia Garrofe Munoz Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Murphy Ms. Diana K. Myers Tom Myles David J. & Dolores D. Nelson John H. Nelson Edward & Gayla Nieminen Zehava L. Noah Renate P. Norum Patricia A. Noska Linda Moses Novak Margo & Michael Oberman Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Olson David & Sheila Ormesher Jonathan Orser Gerald L. Padbury John & Dawn Palmer Joan L. Pantsios Robert W. Parsons, M.D. George R. Paterson Donald Peck George Pepper, M.D Sunday & Charles Perry Susanne P. Petersson Shirley Pfenning Genevieve M. Phelps Karen & Dick Pigott Robert M. Pine Louis A. Pitschmann & Lillian A. Clark Invest in your community Give your company brand visibility and showcase your commitment to a rich and vibrant quality of life: sponsor performances and programs at one of Chicago’s most prestigious performing arts organizations. Corporate sponsorships support Lyric in creating groundbreaking community experiences—while increasing the gravitational pull of our art form, our company, and our city. GET IN TOUCH Chelsea Lauing | Philanthropy O cer - Institutional Partnerships 312.827.5762 Photo: Kyle Flubacker