Lyric Opera 2022-2023 Issue 7 - Carmen
55 | Lyric Opera of Chicago For more information about becoming an Ardis Krainik Society member and the related levels and bene ts associated, contact Mike Biver , Senior Director of Gift Planning, at 312.827.5655 or . Drs. Alan & Carol Pohl Ms. Lois Polakoff Kenneth Porrello & Sherry McFall D. Elizabeth Price Nathaniel W. Pusey Dr. Sondra C. Rabin Mary Raffetto-Robins Roberta Lyn Anderson Rains Dorothy V. Ramm Linda Raschke Christina Rashid Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Reed Michael & Susan “Holly” Reiter Evelyn R. Richer Jennie M. Righeimer Charles & Marilynn Rivkin Carol Roberts Jadwiga Roguska-Kyts, M.D., in memory of Robert Kyts Sylvie Romanowski James & Janet° Rosenbaum J. Kenneth & Susan T. Rosko Chatka Ruggiero Joseph C. Russo Dennis Ryan Louise M. Ryssmann Eugene Rzym, in memory of Adaline Rzym David Sachs Suzanne & William° Samuels Dr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Schaeffer Mary T. Schafer Mrs. Philip H. Schaff, Jr. Douglas M. Schmidt Franklin Schmidt Martha P. Schneider Ms. Frances A. Schrader Donald Seibert Sandra Shane-DuBow Sherie Coren Shapiro Charles Chris Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M. Shaw David Shayne Jared Shlaes Joanne Silver Mr. Andrew Barry Simmons & Mitchell Loewenthal-Grassini Ilene Simmons Larry G. Simpson Dr. Ira Singer Margles Singleton Thomas G. Sinkovic Craig Sirles Norman & Mirella Smith Mr. Reeves E. Smith Joan M. Solbeck Mary Soleiman Philip & Sylvia° Spertus Ms. Gay K. Stanek James Staples Sherie B. Stein J. Allyson Stern Lisbeth Cherniack Stiffel Mr. & Mrs.° James P. Stirling Carol A. Stitzer Clara Basch Stone Dr. & Mrs.° Peter W. Stonebraker Mary Stowell Daniel & Norene Stucka Mr.° & Mrs. Glenn L. Stuffers Emily J. Su Sherwin A. Swartz Mr. Charles A. Tausche Mr.° & Mrs. John C. Telander Cheryl Lorelle Thaxton L. Kristofer Thomsen Carla M. Thorpe Karen Hletko Tiersky Myron Tiersky Jacqueline Tilles Lawrence E. Timmins Mrs. William C. Tippens Virginia Tobiason Paula Turner Robert & Gloria Turner Paul & Judith Tuszynski Ultmann Family Charitable Remainder Unitrust Cynthia Vahlkamp & Robert Kenyon Charitable Trust Mike & Mary Valeanu Marlene A. Van Skike Lorraine & Dave Vander Ark David J. Varnerin Nancy Johnson Vazzano Raita Vilnins Malcolm V. Vye, M.D. Albert Walavich Darcy Lynn Walker Gary T. Walther Stephen and Karen Walton Albert Wang Barbara M. Wanke Louella Krueger Ward Karl Wechter Patricia M. Wees Claude M. Weil Eric Weimer & Edwin Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Weinberg Joan & Marco° Weiss Joanna L. Weiss Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Mrs. Melville W. Wendell Sandra Wenner Jane B. White Claudia Winkler Nora Winsberg Mr. David Winter Florence Winters Brien & Cathy Wloch Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wood II Mrs. William Wunder Bonnie Zeitlin Daniel R. Zillmann ESTATE GIFTS The following estates have generously provided gifts of bequests and other planned gifts to Lyric. Due to space limitations, listings include only planned gifts received in the past three years and is current as of December 1, 2022. With deepest regards, Lyric commemorates and remembers those departed Lyric patrons who have honored us with these most- profound commitments. James S. & Mary-Louise Aagaard Donald Alderman Judith Anderson The Ruth and Roger Anderson Family Foundation Dorothy Avedisian Constance & Liduina Barbantini Dr. Michael O. Blackman Dr. Gregory L. Boshart Judy Bober Joan Brugger Jacqueline Brumlik Dr. Mary Louise Hirsh Burger & Mr. William Burger Muriel A. Burnet Wiley Caldwell David Carpenter Charles Putnam Case June Choate Ellen Clasen Ellen Cole Charitable Remainder Trust Colman Family Foundation Mrs. Campbell de Frise Ellen Clasen Barbara K. DeCoster Victoria Defty George Devron Azile Dick Thomas Doran Joseph R. Ender Nadine Ferguson Roy Fisher Rhoda & Henry Frank Mrs. John Wilburn Garland Lyle Gillman Robert D. Gray Mary Elizabeth Mako Helbert Elsie Heyler Rebecca Jarabak Judy Jasper Laurence P. Johnson Elsye Janet Jones Dr. Anne Juhasz Robert & Jeanne Kapoun Esther Klatz Nancy W. Knowles Karen J. Kuehner Dr. William R. Lawrence Rosalie Loeding Hugo Lorenz Dr. Alexis W. Maier Trust Iris Maiter Bella G. Malis Robert Marks Dr. Jack Melamed Susan Messinger J. Clifford Moos Rosemary Murgas Charitable Living Trust David Nelson Sydelle F. Nelson Florence C. Norstrom Louis A. Nyman Irma Parker Dr. Frances Pietch Sherrie Kahn Reddick Lyn & Bill Red eld Mary Lee Reed Joan Richards Richard P. Schieler Lois Schmidt Caroline Seabright Lois B. Siegel Del Snow Elaine Soter Franklin R. St. Lawrence Barry Sullivan Janis Sullivan Peggy Sullivan Miriam Swanson David Thurn Maureen Tokar Dorothy Vance Joseph & Elizabeth Walczak Josephine V. Wallace Marilee Wehman Caroline Wheeler Max & Joyce Wildman Rita A. Zralek °Deceased
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