Lyric Opera 2023-2024 Issue 1 - The Flying Dutchman
71 | Lyric Opera of Chicago accomplished singing artists, musicians, and creative teams. Rehearsals and other preparations take place in Lyric’s regular facilities. And, for student audiences, the learning begins before the show arrives—and can continue once the curtain goes down. Lyric Unlimited provides many resources for teachers to not only bring the arts into their classrooms but also to assist with building the production themes into their curriculum. This season’s chamber opera is Jason and the Argonauts , a work commissioned by Lyric Unlimited in 2016 by Gregory Spears, the widely acclaimed American composer, and with a libretto by Kathryn Walat. Inspired by the ancient Greek myth, the production follows the adventures of a young man and his friends as they embark on a courageous quest to find the Golden Fleece, along the way facing formidable challenges like battling a fearsome dragon. The opera incorporates themes of nature and sustainability, providing a contemporary perspective on the timeless tale. Five performances of Jason and the Argonauts will be held at various locations throughout Chicago and surrounding suburbs for 3rd through 6th grade groups, culminating with two more performances open to the public at Chicago’s Vittum Theatre on Saturday, October 21. In all, the show is expected to reach 3,000 students. In many ways, Jason is just the latest example of the evolution of the program, advancements made partly in response to feedback from the educators and communities who comprise the audience. Shorter versions of classic works sometimes didn’t connect as directly with contemporary concerns, and over time the program moved to commissioning original works. The impact of these productions goes beyond what is seen onstage—and brings fulfillment to performers and audience alike. “The most gratifying part of Opera in the Neighborhoods is being able to offer experiences to kids regardless of their location, abilities, and financial situation—all for free,” adds Elise LaBarge, Lyric’s Learning Programs Manager. “It’s fulfilling to see enthusiastic student reactions and provide a point of entry for them to explore and appreciate the world of opera.” To le arn more about Opera in the N eighborhoods and other Lyric Learning & Engagement Programming, visit Opera in the Neighborhoods is supported by Lead Sponsor CIBC with major support from the Nancy W. Knowles Student and Family Performances Fund. Kyle Flubacker Works like Jason and the Argonauts feature relatable and relevant themes in vivid productions. Todd Rosenberg 71 | Lyric Opera of Chicago accomplished singing artists, musicians, and creative tea s. Rehearsals and other prepar tions take plac in Lyric’s r gular facilities. And, for student audiences, the learnin begins before the show arrives—and can continue onc the curtain goe do n. Lyric U limited provid s many resources f r teachers to not only bring the art into their classro ms but al o to assist with building he production themes int heir curriculum. This season’s chamber opera is Jason and the Argon uts , a work commissioned by Lyric Unlimited in 2016 by Greg ry Spears, the wi el acclaimed American compose , and with libr tto by K thryn Walat. Inspired by the ancient Greek myth, the production follow th adv ntures of a young man and his friends as they embark on a courageous quest to find the Gold n Fleece, along the way facing formidable challenges ike battling a fearsome dr go . The opera incorporates th mes of nature and sustainability, p oviding a contemporary perspective on the t meless tale. Five performances of Jason and the Argonauts will be held at v riou loc ti s throughout Chicago and surrounding s burbs f r 3rd through 6t grade groups, culmi ati with two mo e pe formances op n to the public at Chicago’s Vittum Th atre on Saturday, October 21. In all, the show i expected to ach 3,000 students. In many ways, Jason is just the latest example of the evolution of the program, adv ncement made partly in response to feedback from the educators and co munitie wh comprise the audience. Shorter ersio s f classic works someti es didn’t connect as directly wi h contempo ary concerns, and over time the program moved t commissioning original wo ks. The impact of these p oductions goes beyond what is seen onstag —and bring fulfillment to performers and audience alike. “The most gratifying part of Opera in t e Neighbor oods is being able to offer experiences to kids reg rdless of their location, abilities, and financial situation—all for free,” adds Elise LaBarge, Lyric’s Learning Pr grams Manager. “It’s fulfilling to see enthusiastic tudent reac s and provi e a point of entry for them to xplore and appreciate the world of opera.” To learn more about Opera in th N ighborho ds and other Lyric Learning & Engagement Programming, visit lyric p r . rg/learn-e gage/. Opera in the Neighborhoods is su ported by Lead Sp nsor CIBC with major su port from the Nancy W. Knowles Student and Family Performances Fund. Kyle Flubacker Works like Jason and the Argonauts feature rel table and r levan themes in vid productions. Todd Rosenberg
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