Lyric Opera 2023-2024 Issue 3 - Daughter of the Regiment
59 | Lyric Opera of Chicago Michele Lee Mr. & Mrs. Young I. Lee Eileen Leiderman & Ben L. Brener Laurence Leive Michael A. Leppen Rose Marie Lesniak-Mendez Dr. & Mrs. Peter Letarte David Levinson & Kathy Kirn Randy Lewis Dr. Judith Lichtenstein Mr. James Liechty Vivian Liese Katherine Lin Al & Patricia Linnerud Lawrence Lipking Lloyd R. Loback Sharon & Henry Lorsch Michael LoVallo, Esq. Charles Lovett Wayne R. Lueders Lutz Family Foundation Jill Mabley Gary MacDougal Mrs. Diane L. Macewicz Jeffrey & Paula Malak Stephen Mannasmith Lester & Mary Jane Marriner David J. Martin Bernadette & Richard Masur Anna Mattson Dr. & Mrs. John E. Mazuski William & Jeanine McCole William & Margaret McCulloch Penny McGuire & Richard Smith Marie McKellar Maryjanet McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Leland V. Meader Greg Meadors & Julie Grif n John Melson Ms. Nancy Meyerson Mr. Joseph Michalak Michuda Construction, Inc. Michael Middleton Helen Harvey Mills Vee Minarich Patricia Mitchell Robert & Lois Moeller William Mondi Toni-Marie Montgomery DMA Steven Montner & Scott Brown Mark Moore Lloyd Morgan Mr. Steven Morris John S. Mrowiec & Dr. Karen L. Granda Dr. John S. & Nan D. Munn Mr. George Murphy Thomas Myles Manoocher Nassery Therry Neilsen-Steinhardt Gilberto S. Neri Jr., M.D. Lenz & Eva Neuhauser Diana Newman Mrs. Anthony A. Nichols Nancy A. Nichols Robert Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Nocchiero Edwin Norris, Jr. William Novshek° & Lynda Thoman Jim & Gladys Nutt Gail O’Gorman Mrs. Virginia A. O’Neill Ruth Orth Rosemary Owens Natalie Pace Gerald L. Padbury Sophie & Robert Padula Katherine Pappas Edmond Parker Bohdan Pauk & Donald Carnahan Matthias Grosse Perdekamp Caren Perlmuter Lorna & Ellard Pfaelzer William & Meg Phelan Ms. Constance Philipps Joseph & Golnar Phillips Thomas & Susan Pigott Mr. John C. Pintozzi Dr. Joe Piszczor Mrs. Carol Glass Pollock Gail S. Prins & Alice S. Wisse Joseph & Kimberly Pyle Mr. David Quell Susan Rabe Mary Raffetto-Robins Roberta Lyn Anderson Rains Dorothy V. Ramm Jeffery Rappin Dr. & Mrs. Pradeep Rattan Missy Ravid Cheryl Rayner Ross & Mary Read James T. & Karen C. Reid Alicia & Myron Resnick Robert Rhea Dr. & Mrs. Jared Robins Elizabeth Rochford Robert Rogers Matthew Roob Burton X. & Sheli Rosenberg Babette Rosenthal Ron & Linda Rosenthal Mrs. & Mr. Kay C. Rossiter Maija Rothenberg Barbara Ruben Drs. Cynthia & Gary Ruoff Robert Rush Louise Ryssmann Eugene W. Rzym John Sagos Sharon Salveter & Stephan Meyer Pamela Sandborg Robert & Mary Ann Savard Patricia Schaefer Eric & Margaret Scheyer Thomas Schiller James Schindler Mrs. Rosita M. Schloss Nancy Schmitt The Schroeder Foundation Michelle H. Schultz MD George & Deborah Schulz Edward & Irma Schwartz, Michael Schwartz, Lisa Schwartz, David Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. John E. Scully Todd & Maggie Searle Valentine & Blagovesta Seng David Shapiro Jane A. Shapiro Kate Sheehan Thomas & Pamela Shef eld Mark & Ellen Sheppard Thomas Shields Ms. Shannon Shin Carolyn M. Short Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Siegel Mr. &Mrs. Thomas A. Silberman Margles Singleton Arthur B. Smith, Jr. & Tracey L. Truesdale Barbara Smith & Timothy Burroughs Mr. Reeves E. Smith Mary Meyer Smits Sunghee Sohn S. & Anda Sokalski The Sondheimer Family Charitable Foundation Dr.° & Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Dr. & Mrs. Eric M. Spratford Michael Sprinker Charles & Joan Staples Tessa Stark Robert & Sandra Stein John Steines Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Sterkin Mr. Albert Stripes James Stone Christopher Straus Charles Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Tarcov Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Taylor Scott Teissler John & Catherine Terdich Cheryl L. Thaxton Andrew J. Thomas, M.D. Judith B. Thomas Thomas B. Thuerer Myron & Karen Hletko Tiersky Diane Tkach & James Freundt Garin Tomaszewski Joanne Tremulis Laurel Tsang Sharon Van Dyck Thoung Van Ha A & T Vavasis Philanthropic Fund Todd & Cari Vieregg John N. Vinci Ms. Lidia B. Vitello Mrs. Barbara Vlack Mr. & Mrs. James Vlaming Robert & Camille Von Dreele Ms. Lucinda Wakeman Joseph & Elizabeth Wallner Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Walsh Douglas & Priscilla Walter Louella Ward Audrey Weaver Mr. & Mrs. James Wees Irwin Weil Richard & Karen Weiland Susan & Arvin Weindruch Tamra & Jack Weiss Mr.° & Mrs. Melville W. Wendell Peter J. Wender Dr. & Mrs. Robert D. Wertz Patricia H. &William H. Wheeler Kyle White & Lynne Romer James L. Wilson & Pamela D. Toler Roger Wilson Betty Winer Charles B. Wolf Christopher & Julie Wood Robert Wright Nancy Wulfers Ms. Nanajan N. Yakoub & Mr. James W. Rogge Susan & Larry Yellen Mr. Charles Yoder Mr. & Mrs. William R. Yowell Dr. Robert G. Zadylak & James C. Kemmerer William Ziemann Camille J. Zientek Jacalyn Zimmerman °Deceased We love opera, and we mostly love Lyric, which we want to thrive.” Rick W. “ Due to space limitations, we are unable to list all of the generous donors who support Lyric Opera of Chicago. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one who enable us to ful ll our mission. This list includes donors whose gifts or pledges were received by September 15,2023.
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