Randolph Street Market 2018 Winter

8 SUZANNE KOPULOS www.slkstyle.com )RU VW\OLVW SX]DQQH KRSXORV ZKR MXVW ZRUNHG KHU PDJLF RQ GLXOLDQD RDQFLF everything old is new again. “I love a hint of menswear, artistic pattern play that makes a statement, cold-shoulder tops and dresses that add a hint of romance, and top coats with massive style,” she says of some past season standouts that DUH PDNLQJ D PDMRU IURQW DQG FHQWHU FRPHEDFN KRSXORVȂZKR ORYHV VKRSSLQJ ORFDO DQG ɷQGLQJ RQH RI D NLQG SLHFHVȂVXJJHVWV VWULSHV DQG KHDY\ WH[WLOHV (think herringbone, tweed, and plaid), denim, leather, and fur for a fall-ready wardrobe. “And don’t forget the details: heavy stitching, embellishment, and my all-time favorite—hardware!” JEANNIE BALSAM www.jeanniebalsam.com Move over, neutrals: color is back, and interior designer Jeannie Balsam is seeing lots of saturated hues in shades of green, blue, and terra-cotta, while “mohair and soft, cozy, textured fabrics have replaced simple linens and cottons that were so pervasive in ‘neutral-land.’” Always keeping her eyes peeled for YLQWDJH DUW ZDOO G«FRU DQG DUWLIDFWV BDOVDP IUHTXHQWV RDQGROSK SWUHHW MDUNHW with her daughters—and gives them money to help them select something special while supporting the Market’s ever creative entrepreneurs. After all, says Balsam, “We all need to be patrons of the arts!” LAUREN BUXBAUM GORDON www.nateberkus.com/interiors “I am always a lover of creams, black, heather gray, rich browns, and a splash of deep dark green or mustard yellow,” says Nate Berkus Associates co-design director Lauren Buxbaum Gordon. As she decorates for fall, she’s taking a cue from wardrobe staples like cashmere, wool boucle, and leather. “I love that it can EH D IDPLO\ HYHQW Ȉ VD\V WKH IUHTXHQW RDQGROSK SWUHHW MDUNHW YLVLWRU ZKR RIWHQ arrives with her husband, daughter, and dog in town), “and the food is fantastic!” What trends are rocking the design world? We reached out to six oh-so-chic style experts to learn more about the pieces they’re coveting this season—and we’re taking notes: WHAT IS Trending N HEATHER TALBERT