Randolph Street Market 2018 Winter

4 What trends are rocking the design world? We reached out to six oh-so-chic style experts to learn more about the pieces they’re coveting this season—and we’re taking notes: (continued on page 8) WHAT IS Trending N ANDREW RAWNICKI ERIC KLEINBERG MICHAEL DEL PIERO www.michaeldelpiero.com “The bohemian vibe is very hot right now,” says Michael Del Piero, “though my suspicion is that elegant traditional is coming back strong.” This season, the perfectly polished interior designer is craving a color combo of dark teal and charcoal gray—in addition to textures galore (the more nubby and rough, WKH EHWWHU DRQȅW EH VXUSULVHG WR ɷQG KHU SRULQJ RYHU RDQGROSK SWUHHW MDUNHWȅV array of books, furs, ethnic vessels, and midcentury chairs. This entrepreneur’s strategy? Leave your list at the door, and let yourself be surprised, says Del Piero, “I scan the Market for shape, size, and color, then zero in.” D. GRAHAM KOSTIC www.glossedandfound.com IȅP ORYLQJ RYHUVL]HG FKLQW] DQG JUDQQ\ ɸRUDOV Ȉ VD\V GORVVHG )RXQG FUHDWLYH director D. Graham Kostic, who notes that both are “equally good looking on catwalks and couches.” He’s currently crushing on anything and everything PDUEOHL]HG QRW WR PHQWLRQ HPHUDOG JUHHQ AQG ZKDWȅV RQ KLV RDQGROSK SWUHHW Market shopping list? “A huge cut crystal punch bowl. I scored the most beautiful set of crystal punch glasses—12 of them!—with dainty handles earlier this VHDVRQ DW RSM I REYLRXVO\ FDQȅW KDYH D KROLGD\ SDUW\ ZLWK MXVW SXQFK JODVVHV Ȉ Cheers to that! KAREN HEROLD www.studiokcreative.com The design mastermind behind white-hot haunts like GT Prime, Monteverde, and GLUO DQG WKH GRDW WR QDPH D IHZ HHU ODWHVW SURMHFW" DHVLJQLQJ WKH KLJKO\ anticipated Nobu Hotel, of course!), Karen Herold anticipates a shift when it comes to décor. “We are going to start seeing more focus on materials as RSSRVHG WR DFFHVVRULHV Ȉ VD\V WKH SWXGLR K CUHDWLYH IRXQGHU ZKR ORYHV PL[LQJ QDWXUDO ZRRGV DQG PHWDOV ZLWK KHU ȇJR WR QHXWUDO Ȉ LQGLJR HHUROG HQMR\V ZDWFKLQJ DUWLVDQV DW ZRUN ZKLOH YLVLWLQJ RDQGROSK SWUHHW MDUNHW ZKHUH PRUH RIWHQ WKDQ QRW VKHȅV RQ WKH KXQW IRU IXUQLWXUH SWLOO VD\V HHUROG ȇI DP QHYHU TXLWH VXUH H[DFWO\ ZKDW I DP ORRNLQJ IRU ZKHQ I JR EXW I DOZD\V VHHP WR ɷQG WKH right thing!”