Ravinia Family Fun Guide 2019

16 R A V I N I A FA M I LY F U N G U I D E KIDS CONCERTS : a.m. / : p.m. / : p.m. Saturday, June Bennett Gordon Hall Catskill Puppet Theater The Villain’s Mustache Since , John Potocnik and Carol Mandigo, co-founders of the Catskill Puppet Theater, have been touring internationally, enchanting young and old with their delightful musical productions. Combining backgrounds in art, music, drama, and American folk culture, Catskill Puppet Theater has received accolades from such premier venues as the Calgary, Winnepeg, and Ottawa International Children’s Festivals, the New England Puppetry and Family Theater Series, the New York State Museum’s Kid’s Series, and hundreds more schools, libraries, fairs, and festivals. The company takes great pride in carrying on the living tradition of traveling puppet troupes, bringing high-quality children’s theater to over , people each year! This lively show is a traditional, old-time melodrama featuring colorful ½-foot-tall rod puppets with animated mouths, eyes, and eyebrows! The audience never fails to get involved, whether booing the wise-cracking villain or shouting advice to the poor distraught heroine, Little Nell. Other characters include Moe, a ragtime piano player; Jenny, a showgirl with a heart of gold; and Curley, a kindly hobo. The Villain’s Mustache is a musical, and the puppets harmonize on many original tunes as well as a few old-time Tin Pan Alley show tunes. The play is fast-paced and exciting enough to hold the attention of even the youngest children, but contains enough real drama and good music to grab the audience as well!