Ravinia 2019, Issue 4, Week 8
MILWAUKEE SYMPHONY CHORUS The Milwaukee Symphony Chorus, founded in 1976, is known and respected as one of the finest choruses in the country. Under the direction of Cheryl Frazes Hill, the 2018–19 chorus season with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra included Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman , Brahms’s German Requiem , and Orff ’s Carmina Burana , as well as the popular Handel’s Messiah series in December. The 150-member volunteer chorus has been praised by reviewers for “technical agility,” “remarkable ensemble cohesion,” and “tremendous clarity.” In addition to performances with the MSO, the chorus has appeared on public television and recorded performances on radio stations throughout the country. The chorus has performed a cappella concerts to sold-out audiences and has made guest appearances with other performing arts ensembles, including Present Music, Milwaukee Ballet, and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The chorus has also made seven appearances at suburban Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, dating back to 1987. Comprising teachers, lawyers, students, doctors, musicians, homemakers, and more, the Milwaukee Symphony Chorus members bring not only musical quality, but a sheer love of music to their task. “We have the best seats in the house,” one chorister said, a sentiment echoed throughout the membership. www.mso.org. CHERYL FRAZES HILL, conductor and chorus director TIMOTHY J. BENSON, assistant director Laura Albright-Wengler James Anello * Thomas R. Bagwell ^ Valerie Beck JoAnn Berk * David A. Blumberg Scott Bolens ^ Marcia Brooks Neil R. Brooks Loren Buntrock Rebeca A. Dishaw James Edgar Joe Ehlinger James T. Gallup Bobbi Frazes Goldman Margaret Goodwin Charyl Granatella Kristin Eklund Haverkampf Karen Heins ^ Mary Catherine Helgren Sara E. Herrick Michelle Hiebert Rae-Myra Hilliard Laura Hochmuth Amy Hudson Stan Husi Tina Itson ^ Christine Jameson Paula J. Jeske Taylor Katz Rebekah Kitchens Gabriella Klotz Isabella Klotz Michelle Klotz ^ Christine Krueger + Harold Krueger Rick Landin * James Lieven Kristine Lorbeske Mary Lourich Justin J. Maurer Kathleen Ortman Miller Phoebe Milner Marjorie Moon Bailey Moorhead Michael Mueller Matthew Neu Rachel Niemann Alice Nuteson Robert Paddock Jessica E. Pihart ^ Catherine A. Purdy Jason T. Reuschlein * James Reynolds Amanda Robison James Sampson Darwin J. Sanders John Schilling Rand C. Schmidt Allison Schnier Matthew Seider Hannah Sheppard ^ David Siegworth Joel Smith Bruce Soto ^ Todd Stacey * Claire Stangl Donald E. Stettler ^ Ashley Ellen Suresh Mariah Taylor Dean-Yar Tigrani Sherry Trainer Lydia Wagenknecht Michael Peter Werni Christina Williams Kathleen Wojcik-May Kevin Woller Alana Woodall Maureen Woyci Jamie M. Yu * ^ Section leader * Section manager + Charter member Chorus Manager Christina Williams Language/Diction Coach Darwin Sanders Rehearsal Pianist Diane Kachelmeier CHERYL FRAZES HILL, director Cheryl Frazes Hill is beginning her third season as director of the Milwaukee Symphony Cho- rus. During the 2018–19 season, she prepared the chorus for performances of Handel’s Mes- siah , Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman , Brahms’s German Requiem , and Orff ’s Carmina Burana . Frazes Hill has also served as Director of Cho- ral Activities at Roosevelt University since 2002. Under her direction, the Roosevelt University choruses have been featured in prestigious and diverse events, including the American pre- miere of Jacob Ter Velduis’s Mountaintop , an adaptation of Verdi’s Requiem entitled The De- fiant Requiem , and, most recently, performances of Craig Hella Johnson’s Considering Matthew Shepard . Frazes Hill also serves as the associ- ate conductor of the Chicago Symphony Cho- rus, where she has assisted CSC director Duain Wolfe for more than 20 years. In her role as the CSC associate conductor, she has prepared the chorus for Maestros Boulez, Barenboim, Levine, Mehta, Tilson Thomas, Conlon, and many oth- ers. She most recently prepared the CSC for performances of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms conducted by Marin Alsop during Ravinia’s 2018 season. Re- cent recordings of Frazes Hill’s chorus prepara- tions on the Chicago Symphony Orchestra label include Beethoven , the 2006 release A Tribute to Daniel Barenboim , and Chicago Symphony Chorus: A 50th Anniversary Celebration . Frazes Hill earned both a doctorate in conducting and a Master of Music degree from Northwestern University as well as two degrees from the Uni- versity of Illinois. She has received numerous awards throughout her teaching career, includ- ing the Illinois Governor’s Award, the North- western University Alumni Merit Award, the Golden Apple Commendation of Excellence in Teaching, and the Outstanding Teaching Award from the University of Chicago. Frazes Hill is a frequent guest conductor and speaker and is nationally published for her research in music education and choral conducting. RAVINIA MAGAZINE | JULY 22 – JULY 28, 2019 106
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