Ravinia 2021 - Issue 4
A Project of the Ravinia Women’s Board The Tribute Fund offers a way to commemorate special people or events in your life while KHOSLQJ RDYLQLD 'RQDWLRQV WR WKH TULEXWH )XQG FDQ PDUN PLOHVWRQHV, VXFK DV ELUWKGD\V, ZHGGLQJV, DQQLYHUVDULHV, RU JUDGXDWLRQV, RU KRQRU WKH PHPRU\ RI GHDU IULHQGV DQG ORYHG RQHV TKLV OLVW UHɾHFWV GRQDWLRQV UHFHLYHG EHWZHHQ 2FWREHUb1, 2020, DQG AXJXVWb1, 2021 TKH TULEXWH )XQG, IRXQGHG E\ RDYLQLD :RPHQȅV BRDUG, HQDEOHV SHRSOH WR FHOHEUDWH WKH passages of life in a unique and meaningful way. Donations may be made in any amount. :KHQ \RX PDNH D TULEXWH JLIW, DQ DWWUDFWLYH, SHUVRQDOL]HG FDUG LV VHQW LQ \RXU QDPH WR WKH honoree or family apprising them of your tribute. A letter will also be sent to you as a record of your tax-deductible gift. For more information or to receive a Tribute Fund brochure with UHPLWWDQFH HQYHORSH, SOHDVH FDOO 47 2 0 2 DONORS Anonymous (9) Suzanne & Douglas Bade Phillip Bahar Sarah & Larry Barden Mrs. Bonnie J. & Mr. J. Bradley Bates Mr. & Mrs. Andrew K. Block Emily & Jim Borovsky James Borovsky Mary Boyer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Brosk Audrey C. Rubinstein Buntman Leslie & John Carothers Jane & David Casper Shelly Chester Ms. Carol Cleave Patricia Coffin Julie Cohen Jane B. Colman Margie & Vince Conroy Mrs. Sandra K. Crown Bobbie and Charlie Denison Jeanne & Tom Denison Janice & Thomas Dusek Susan & Jesse Elliott Michelle Elster Joan Esposito Jane & Jim Esser Mr. & Mrs. William S. Ettelson Mr. & Mrs. Raymond W. Gass Annie Gentithes Diane Good & Frank Smith Kathy & David Good Sarah Good & Mark Mosley Sam & Cheryl Good Howard L. Gottlieb & Barbara G. Greis Paul Guggenheim Julie Harris & Bruce Bergelson Mrs. Thomas D. Heath Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges Mrs. Agatha Hwong Elizabeth & Peter Karabatsos Irving Kardon Leonard Kardon James & Carol Klenk Emily & Christopher Knight The Morris & Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund of the Dolores Kohl Education Foundation Benjamin Kornfeld Peg & Pete Koukos Victoria Kramer Mr. & Ms. Alan J. Lacy Mr. & Mrs. Morton Lane Barb & Frank LaVoy Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Leiden Mr. & Mrs. William Levis Susan Lichtenstein & John Rokacz Mrs. Andrew M. Livingston Patricia M. Livingston Jen Marks Courtney Masterson David B. & Toni P. Mathis Mr. & Mrs. Bret R. Maxwell Joseph L. McCauley Sheila Medvin Sally Miller Randi & Russel Miron Jeffrey & Frances Morof Ms. Lynne Nagel Marie Nemerov William O’Donnell Helen, Brian & John Palmquist Park Claridge Condominium Association Patty & Ken Pell Betsey & Dale Pinkert Cynthia & James Pinkerton Charlotte & Norman Plotsky Mr. & Mrs. Marc Poggioli Mr. & Mrs. Mal Poland Diane Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Caren L. Reed Dr. & Ms. William J. Robb III Mr. Jeffrey Ross William Rotatori Ms. Judith A. Sachs Jill Sadler Onnie & Steven Scheyer Susan & Roger Schmitt Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schriver Mr. & Mrs. John A. Schweig Ms. Anne Segall Michael Shapiro Leslie Ann Sherman Susie Skok & Mark Fineberg Mr. & Mrs. Adam Smith- Schatz Laura S. St. John Edna & Marc Steer Marcie & Avy Stein William Stone Mr. & Mrs. James H. Swartchild Jr. Frederick & Elizabeth Thomas Mr. & Ms. Tom Thomson Mr. & Mrs. David Tropp Julie Tye Luis Vegas Marilyn & Michael Vender Cheryl Wisniewski Jan & Jerry Wolf Elen Woods Mr. & Mrs. Larry Yellen Ms. Anne H. Young IN HONOR OF Jayne Alofs Megan & John Anderson Steven Kasper Anne & Robert Krebs Katie LaVoy Richard H. Lenny Sue Pick Dale Pinkert Harvey & Madeleine Plonsker Nick Pullia Pat Sikorovsky Suzanne Smart Lynda & Rick Strusiner Liz Thomas Marilyn Vender IN MEMORY OF Harriet Bernbaum Carl H. Boyer David Dezelan Mary Fox Morton Harris Barbara Herst Sophia Greenberg Lepow Jim Mabie Harvey Medvin Miriam M. “Mimi” Morgan Thomas F. Pick Peter E. Reisner Edgar Rose Jim & Toby Sachs Kate Shapiro David Spears The Mother of Donna Stone Lynne Tauman Ruth Thomas Jones Paul B. Uhlenhop Edward Walters Rochelle Weinstein Robert Wieseneck IQ FHOHEUDWLRQ RI WKH 0WK DQQLYHUVDU\ RI LWV SUHPLHUH, Leonard Bernstein ’s Mass returns to PBS screens this month with Ravinia ’s c r i t i c a l l y a c c l a i m e d SURGXFWLRQ, ZKLFK DLUHG RQ Great Performances last spring. TXQH LQ WR:TT:, &KLFDJRȅV PBSVWDWLRQ, September12 to rediscover the “sharply G U DPD W L F , L Q W U L F D W H O \ F K R U H R J U D S K H G , D Q G ferociously performed … Bernstein magnum opus” Chicago Tribune VWDUULQJ Tony winner Paulo Szot as t he Ce l ebran t wi t h the Chicago Symphony Orchestra led by Ravinia Ch i e f Condu c t o r and Curator Marin Alsop! Also available for streaming from PBS Passport for free from September 8 through October 6. Check local listings for airtime. RAVINIA MAGAZINE • SEPTEMBER 7 – SEPTEMBER 24, 2021 86 TR I BUT E FUND
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