Ravinia 2022, Issue 6
A Project of the Ravinia Women’s Board The Tribute Fund offers a way to commemorate special people or events in your life while helping Ravinia. Donations to the Tribute Fund can mark milestones, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or graduations, or honor the memory of dear friends and loved ones. This list reflects donations received between August 1, 2021, and August 1, 2022. The Tribute Fund, founded by Ravinia Women’s Board, enables people to celebrate the passages of life in a unique and meaningful way. Donations may be made in any amount. When you make a Tribute gift, an attractive, personalized card is sent in your name to the honoree or family apprising them of your tribute. A letter will also be sent to you as a record of your tax-deductible gift. For more information or to receive a Tribute Fund brochure with remittance envelope, please call 847-266-5047. DONORS Anonymous (2) Amy Abrams Allstate Giving Campaign Mr. &Mrs. Jeffrey A. Annenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Apatoff Mr. John Ballou Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Barden Mr. J. Bradley Bates & Mrs. Bonnie J. Bates Cheryl Beermann Joyce & Marv Berman Ms. Herta Bernhard Mrs. Marjorie Biederman Jill Bielski Mr. John Bierbusse Mr. & Mrs. Gary Birnbaum Emily & Jim Borovsky Susan & David Borovsky Mary Boyer Noreen Brand James & Karen Broadway James Broutman Erin Brown Rebecca Buckley Mr. Curt Burwell Jane and David Casper Carol Catardi Jules & Leslie Cogan Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Cohen Jane B. Colman Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cotter Cretors Family Bobbie & Charlie Denison Jeanne & Tom Denison Mr. Brett Dennen Shai Dobrusin Mr. Allan Dorfman & Eileen Dorfman Erin Dubin Deborah Edwards Susan & Jesse Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Emanuel Jane & Jim Esser Louis Farr Eileen Fine Ms. Sheryl Fischer Ms. Susan Fisher Brooke Fosburg Mr. & Mrs. David M. Fowler Mr. Mark Friese Kama Garrison Kristine Gasman Craig Ginnan Frederick & Gloria Gleave Lynne & Bruce Glickson Allison Goldberg Sarah Good & Mark Mosley Karen Goodgold Howard L. Gottlieb & Barbara G. Greis Dr. & Mrs. Steven Gryll Helen Hackett Hammes Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hansen Barbara & Tom Harris Mr. Gary Hart Cathy Heer Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hiton Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hoffman Donna & Jim Holmes Adrienne Holtzman Mr. & Mrs. Joel Hurwitz Mrs. Agatha Hwong Interwork Architects Ivy Israel Matthew Janus Matthew Jerome Jim Jorgensen Joshua Kalov Elizabeth & Peter Karabatsos Mr. Howard Katz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kaufman Ms. Cathie Khouri Kimberly-Clark Mr. & Mrs. R.E. King James & Carol Klenk The Morris & Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund of the Dolores Kohl Education Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Konen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kramer Mr. Scott Krantz Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Krebs Ms. Sharon L. Kubasak Janet Kuester Ms. Ginger Lane Barb & Frank LaVoy Ms. Beth Leeds & Mr. Steve Leeds Mr. & Mrs. Marc Levenstein Ashley Levin Diane & Jim Levy Jody Linick Mr. Mark Litner & Amy Litner Kathryn Loewy Mr. Seth London Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Lowinger Robert & Sandra Lund Mrs. Randi Lustig Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Malherbe Ms. Mary K. Marvel Mr. Michael Masri Ms. Alicia Masse Bill & Yvonne Mazzeffi Ethan & Coleene Meers Mr. Mark F. Mehlman Barry & Caryn Mendel Mid-West Fastener Association Madelyn & Klaus Miescke Mr. Steven M. Mitzel Mary Moreland & Daniel Jenks Dennis Morrison Mr. Stephen Neil Next Chapter Inc. Northwestern Friends Mr. Andy Nussbaum Ms. Beverly Opelka Mr. Thomas Opferman Barbara Pepe Florie & Andy Perellis Lorna & Ellard Pfaelzer Jr. Mr. Jeff Pines Lauren Reeves Mr. James Resnick Ann E. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Gene Rintels Mark Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. John H. Rosenheim Ms. Sally Ryan Ms. Judith A. Sachs Suzanne Schill Ms. Elizabeth Schneider Tresa Schneider Mr. Robert Schnieders Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Secord Mr. John Seder & Mrs. Jane Seder Ira Sender Karyn Shepard Mr. Ross Shepard Stuart Siegal Linda Siegel Lila Singer James Smith Janet and William Smith Ms. Jennifer Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sohn Margaret Sondler Mrs. Virginia Sonnenschein Lynne Sorkin Elissa & Barry Spitzer Marcie & Avy Stein Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stein Mark Stinchcomb Jennifer Stone Ms. Lauren Stone Patricia R. Talkington Deb & Howie Teitelbaum Ross Trotcky Gail & Les Trubow Virginia & Frederick G. Uhlmann Michael & Marilyn Vender Mr. Mitchell Warren The Port, Washlow & Errant Families Ms. Sue Weil Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zelisko Katy Zwick IN HONOR OF Catherine Cooper Christine Fussell Michele Ihlanfeldt Dolores Kohl Kaplan Anne & Robert Krebs Katie LaVoy Hariette Perlman Madeleine & Harvey Plonkser Byron Schneidman Lynda & Rick Strusiner Marilyn Vender IN MEMORY OF Seymour Bagan Belle & Bella Jack Bender David Blumberg Carl Boyer Edith M. Burns David Dezelan Alan Itzkowitz Ruth Thomas Jones Dr. Marvin Katz Donald G. Lubin Lorna Marsh Harvey Medvin Josephine Baskin Minow Clifford Moos Elizabeth L. Nathan Gordon Newman Susie Pines Jim & Toby Sachs Horace J. Schwartz Marvin Segal Cynthia Reynolds Slade Susan Walters Sherwyn & Irvina Warren Margaret Wittlinger RAVINIA.ORG • RAVINIA MAGAZINE 67 TR I BUT E FUND Promoting, Supporting & Mentoring September 2022 Fundación Orquesta y Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid (SPAIN) October 2022 Symphony Nova Scotia (CANADA) November 2022 Arch Sinfonia (LONDON, UK) recreation-Grosses Orchester Graz at Styriarte (AUSTRIA) January 2023 Richmond Symphony Orchestra (VA, USA) March 2023 Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra (PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA) Hartford Symphony Orchestra (HARTFORD, CT, USA) Reno Philharmonic Orchestra (RENO, NV, USA) April 2023 Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (KATOWICE, POLAND) May 2023 Chicago Sinfonietta (CHICAGO, IL, USA) takialsop.org
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