Ravinia 2022, Issue 6
2022 Ravinia Steans Music Institute Faculty & Fellows PROGRAM FOR JAZZ Program Directors Billy Childs, piano & composer Rufus Reid, bass & composer Steve Wilson, saxophone Fellows Thom Avella, alto saxophone Ravinia Associates Board Program for Jazz Fellowship Caelan Cardello, piano Sam Chandler, piano The Ann & Bruce Bachmann Family Fellowship Josiah DeNooyer, drums Hannah Duhon, trombone Julian Miltenberger, drums Wes Nelson, bass Grace Bersted Fellowship Jayden Richardson, drums A gift from Lori & Willard Hunter John Rokicki, tenor saxophone Matthias Schmidt, piano Sameer Shanka, bass Jack Straub, bass Tadashi Thomas, trumpet Belle & Donald Finfer Fellowship Thomas Wandborg, guitar Courtney Wright, baritone sax National Federation of Music Clubs Rose Thomas Smith Award PROGRAM FOR PIANO & STRINGS Program Director Miriam Fried, violin The Marie-Louise and Samuel R. Rosenthal Chair for Violin Faculty Sara Bitlloch, violin Mihaela Martin, violin Donald Weilerstein, violin Residencies made possible in part by the Helen L. Adler & Robert S. Adler Fund Ayano Ninomiya, violin Residency made possible by the William H. & Marjorie L. Green Endowment Paul Biss, violin and viola The Edward Gordon chair, endowed by the Ravinia Women’s Board Atar Arad, viola Irvin E. Houck Chair for Strings Kim Kashkashian, viola Yura Lee, viola Residencies made possible by the Arie & Ida Crown Memorial Endowment, in honor of Renee Schine Crown, Hildegarde F. Schine, Doris Schine Maxwell & C. Richard Schine Timothy Eddy, cello Frans Helmerson, cello Gary Hoffman, cello Christoph Richter, cello The MacLean Family Chair Alessio Bax, piano Alon Goldstein, piano Gilbert Kalish, piano Julian Martin, piano Robert McDonald, piano The Corinne Frada Pick Chair for Advanced Piano Studies Jessie Montgomery, composer in residence Hagit Vardi, Feldenkrais practitioner Uri Vardi, Feldenkrais practitioner Collaborative Pianists Lindsay Garritson Joseph Liccardo Maxine Hunter Collaborative Pianist Xiaohui Yang Fellows Nadia Azzi, piano Jeffrey Kanne Memorial Fellowship, Fellowship in Memory of the Honorable Milton I. & Eleanor Shadur, Margaret Farr Wilson Memorial Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter III James Baik, cello Jane W. & Irving H. Goldberg Memorial Fellowship, Susan & Roger Stone Fellowship Keoni Bolding, viola The Esther G. Klatz Memorial Fellowship Albert Cano Smit, piano The Richard & Cynthia Morehead Fellowship Stella (Ye Lin) Cho, cello The Thoresen Foundation Fellowship Rainer Crosett, cello Carol & Joel Honigberg Fellowship Ellinor D’Melon, violin Starling Foundation Fellowship Annie Jacobs-Perkins, cello Kovler Family Fellowship from the Blum-Kovler Foundation, Josephine & Newton N. Minow Fellowship, Rosenson Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rosenson Connor Kim, cello Merrill & Judy Blau Fellowship Noah Krauss, cello Diane B. & Lowell S. Fixler Fellowship, Judy & Bill Cottle Fellowship Maria Lakisova, violin Esther W. & Saul Stone Memorial Fellowship from Donna & Tom Stone Family, Max & Lottie Gerber/Oscar Gerber Fellowship from the Max & Lottie Gerber Foundation, Inc. Marta Lambert, viola Ravinia Women’s Board Program for Piano & Strings Fellowship SooBeen Lee, violin Starling Foundation Fellowship En-Chun Lin, cello The Goldyne & Herbert Heyman Memorial Fellowship from Susan & Sy Frolichstein, Judy & Jay Heyman, Gerry & Steve Keen Nathan Meltzer, violin Starling Foundation Fellowship Clara Neubauer, violin George J. Goldstein Sr. Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Goldstein, Florence & Lester Cohn Memorial Fellowship from the Cohn Foundation, Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation Fellowship Cara Pogossian, viola Elizabeth Ferguson Fellowship Julian Rhee, violin Grace E. Hokin Fellowship Amir Ron, piano The Charlotte & Stanton Hadley Fellowship, Mr. & Mrs. James Doppke Sr. Fellowship, J. Howard Wood Piano Fellowship Samuel Rosenthal, viola Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust Fellowship, Ravinia Associates Board Program for Piano & Strings Fellowship Andres Sanchez, cello Hav & Lloyd Stone Fellowship, Miriam B. Hotchkiss Memorial Fellowship, Bruce K. Goodman Jr. Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. Bruce K. Goodman, Bogert- Marshall Fellowship Rannveig Marta Sarc, violin Gene Witz Memorial Violin Fellowship Pauline Schulte-Beckhausen, viola Nicki & J. Ira Harris Fellowship, Maurice & Ethel Fried Memorial Fellowship, Clarissa H. Chandler Fellowship Cosima Soulez Larivière, violin A gift from Betsey & Dale Pinkert in honor of George Perlman & Betty Haag, Louella Kanew Fellowship Chelsea Wang, piano Dinah Jacobs Castle Fellowship Luther Warren, violin Fellowship in Memory of Sally & Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Lam Wong, piano Carl & Frances Korn Fellowship, Gitta Gradova Cottle & Maurice H. Cottle Memorial Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. H. George Mann, Jack Harris Memorial Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Epkins and family and friends of Jack Harris, Mrs. C.F. Andes Music Fellowship Elliot Wuu, piano Harriet & Harry Bernbaum Piano Fellowship Rachel Yi, violin The Thoresen Foundation Fellowship Yebin Yoo, violin Bennett Emerging Artist Fellowship, The John & Alice Deimel Memorial Fellowship SoHui Yun, viola The Negaunee Foundation Fellowship Ensemble Fellows Trio Rai Tiffany Chang, violin Mari Nagahara, cello Motti Fang-Bentov, piano Isidore String Quartet Residency supported by the Dr. Scholl Foundation Adrian Steele, violin Phoenix Avalon, violin Devin Moore, viola Joshua McClendon, cello PROGRAM FOR SINGERS Program Director Kevin Murphy, piano The MacLean Chair in honor of Christa Ludwig Faculty Marianne Barrett, German diction and repertoire Steven Blier, vocal coach and piano James Conlon, conductor and master clinician Emily D’Angelo, mezzo-soprano and voice teacher Alan Darling, vocal coach and piano Cori Ellison, dramaturg Walter Huff, vocal coach and piano Graham Johnson, scholar (lieder and mélodie) The Rhoades Foundation Fellowship Patricia McCaffrey, mezzo- soprano and voice teacher Gerald Martin Moore, voice teacher Heidi Grant Murphy, soprano and voice teacher Lee Musiker, piano, music director, and arranger JJ Penna, vocal coach and piano Matthew Polenzani, tenor and master clinician Jennifer Ringo, language and diction coach Residency made possible by a gift from Searle to the RSMI endowment Mark Schnaible, bass-baritone and voice teacher Melissa Wegner, career development Susan Youens, scholar (art song) Collaborative Pianists Javier Arrebola, head of piano staff Kunal Lahiry Lucas Nogara Nikolay Verevkin Ting Ting Wong Fellows Lucy Baker, mezzo-soprano Lois M. Steans Fellowship from the Morrison Family Foundation Joel Balzun, baritone Fanny R. Simmonds Memorial Fellowship, James Sassower Memorial Fellowship, HSBC- North America Fellowship, Arthur J. & Glenna B. Collins Memorial Fellowship Ekaterina Chayka-Rubinstein, mezzo-soprano Marilyn Heath Fellowship, Eleanor L. Scher Memorial Voice Fellowship from Ms. Scher’s family, The Celia K. & Sol J. Hammerman Memorial Fellowship Tiffany Choe, soprano Ravinia Women’s Board Program for Singers Fellowship Nuno de Araújo Pereira, baritone Howard A. Stotler Fellowship Yuntong Han, tenor Mason Foundation Fellowship Theo Hoffman, baritone Ravinia Associates Board Program for Singers Fellowship Donghoon Kang, bass-baritone Madeleine P. & Harvey R. Plonsker and The Plonsker Family Fellowship Fund Laurence Kilsby, tenor The Richard & Cynthia Morehead Fellowship Anneliese Klenetsky, soprano Stephen & Susan Rappin Fellowship, Soretta & Henry I. Shapiro Fellowship, Benjamin F. Hirsch Memorial Fellowship from Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Healy Sabrina Langlois, soprano S.J. Ipsen Fellowship Siphokazi Molteno, mezzo- soprano Bettie Port Memorial Fellowship from the Port, Washlow & Errant Families Korin Thomas-Smith, baritone Carol L. Linne & Carl E. Horn Fellowship Chloé Vaught, soprano Samuel R. Sherwin Memorial Fellowship from his family, Merrill & Judy Blau Fellowship, Mary Herron Replogle Memorial Fellowship David Wolfe, baritone Dan Saslow Fellowship, Frances L. Osgood Fellowship from Mrs. Gilbert H. Osgood, John N. Stern Fellowship, Waldo Morgan Allen Memorial Endowed Fellowship The Program for Jazz is a one-week intensive, focused on composition and small-group collaboration. From the moment they arrive, the 15 fellows spend their days rehearsing in different combos, studying composition and workshopping pieces with the illustrious faculty, and learning how to adapt to performing with ever-changing personnel. At the end of their residency, the musicians premiere their original works on the Bennett Gordon Hall stage. The Program for Piano & Strings concentrates on interpretation and small-group collaboration through the practice and performance of classical sonata and chamber repertoire. This year, 38 violinists, violists, cellists, and pianists gather for five weeks of immersive and intensive rehearsals and coachings with a rotating roster of some of the world’s finest teaching artists. The Program for Singers offers a unique setting for 15 classical vocalists to delve deeply into the vast repertoire of art song for three weeks. Fellows are paired with staff collaborative pianists to work with a faculty of distinguished musicians, pedagogues, and scholars on varied aspects of vocal performance, including style, technique, language, diction, dramaturgy, and career preparation. RAVINIA.ORG • RAVINIA MAGAZINE 73
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