Ravinia 2023 Issue 1

MARK SELIGER (CROWS); GLENN CUMMINGS (DASHBOARD) PAVILION 7:00 PM FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 2023 BANSHEE SEASON TOUR DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL – – COUNTING CROWS GLORY DAYS † † Ravinia debut 6:00 PM, CAROUSEL STAGE GLORY DAYS Inspired by pioneering pop-punk acts of the early s, Chicago quartet Glory Days formed in with vocalist/guitarist James Pickering, bassist/vocalist Vince Gannon, drummer Jared Tousey, and guitarist CJ Jarmuth. Energetic live performances and personalities to match make Glory Days as memorable as their namesake. eir debut EP e Road’s We’ve Traveled was released in the summer of , shortly a er the group’s rst sets together, and several more singles have since joined their catalogue. COUNTING CROWS Shortly a er its formation in the San Fran- cisco Bay Area, Counting Crows was thrust into the limelight when the group lled in for Van Morrison at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. e group released its debut album, August and Every- thing A er , later that same year and saw the single “Mr. Jones” soar into the top ve of Bill- board ’s Hot Airplay and Top charts. e album quickly reached seven-times plat- inum sales and also leaped into the top ve. Lead vocalist and songwriter Adam Duritz confronted the band’s apprehension with its newfound fame in the follow-up Recov- ering the Satellites , which again sent Count- ing Crows up the charts with the single “A Long December.” Following the platinum live album Across a Wire , Counting Crows returned to the studio for This Desert Life ( )—which featured the group’s rst Hot single, “Hanginaround”—and Hard Can- dy ( ). e latter featured a cover of Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” that was later re-recorded for the movie Two Weeks Notice with guest vocalist Vanessa Carlton. In Counting Crows released its first “greatest hits” album, Films About Ghosts , which was reissued the following year to include its Os- car-, Grammy-, and Golden Globe–nominat- ed contribution to the Shrek soundtrack, “Accidentally in Love.” e group’s con- cept double album, Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings , extended its streak of top- studio albums to over a decade and won critical ac- claim for the contrast between its driving rst half and mellow second. Late in , Count- ing Crows decamped to a recording studio for the rst time since ’s Somewhere Under Wonderland for a new—but the rst o cially released—version of “August and Everything A er,” performed with the London Sympho- ny Orchestra. Duritz returned to new writing through , creating the rst of two four- song suites entitled Butter Miracle . e rst set was released in along with the sin- gle “Elevator Boots,” shortly a er Billboard placed Counting Crows at number eight among the top adult alternative artists of all time. Counting Crows rst played Ravinia in and returns tonight for its sixth show at the festival. DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL While working as a teacher after college, Chris Carrabba was recruited into the South Florida band Further Seems Forever, having played with e Vacant Andys and e Agen- cy while attending Florida Atlantic Univer- sity. While the group was preparing its rst full length album, Carrabba also laid down some tracks as a solo project. One of those songs, “ e Sharp Hint of New Tears,” con- tained a lyric that inspired the new foray’s name: Dashboard Confessional. Around the same time that its debut, e Swiss Army Ro- mance , was released in late , he recorded e Moon Is Down with Further Seems For- ever before parting ways. Fully focused on Dashboard, Carrabba began to cra ’s e Drowning EP and e Places You Have Come to Fear the Most , which included a full band on several tracks, including a new ver- sion of “Screaming In delities,” which was introduced on Swiss Army . e single quickly became a rock radio staple and propelled the album to gold status. By that time, Carrab- ba had released two more EPs, So Impossible (featuring guitarist Dan Hoerner) and Sum- mers Kiss (featuring more full-band versions of Swiss Army tracks); songs from the latter collection were featured on Dashboard’s MTV Unplugged appearance, subsequently released as a live album (which went platinum). e follow-up A Mark, a Mission, a Brand, a Scar featured the top- rock single “Hands Down” and soared to number two Billboard . Dashboard recorded “Vindicated” for the Spi- der-Man soundtrack, and then released an- other number-two album, Dusk and Summer , in . e Shade of Poison Trees and Alter the Ending joined the band’s discography by , a er which Carrabba worked on solo material ( Covered in the Flood , ) and side collaborations. e next Dashboard album, ’s Crooked Shadows , was followed by a greatest-hits collection, e Best Ones of the Best Ones , for the group’s th anniversary. A er Carrabba’s recovery from a near-fatal motorcycle accident, Dashboard reconvened for their ninth studio album, ’s All e Truth at I Can Tell . Dashboard Confession- al made its Ravinia debut in following Chris Carrabba’s appearance with Twin Forks in . is is the band’s rst return to the festival. RAVINIA MAGAZINE • JUNE 6 – JULY 2, 2023 I ; I