Ravinia 2023 Issue 1
PLAY Programs that encourage students to PLAY instruments, develop their talents, and deepen their connection to music Sistema Ravinia orchestra students from Lake County and Chicago, including the newest program based in Lawndale, participate in workshops with Ravinia artists such as Marin $OVoS ɷXWLVW 6LU -DPeV *DOZD\ YLoOLQLVW 5D\ &KeQ DQG coQGXcWoUV *XVWDYo 'XGDPeO DEoYe DQG 5DfDeO 3D\DUe who are themselves former students of El Sistema. Sistema Ravinia Inspired by the El Sistema music education model, which emphasizes both community building and musical excellence, orchestral training for rd– th grade students fosters social development and creates pathways for continued success. Ravinia Chief Conductor Marin Alsop leads a Sistema Ravinia orchestra workshop in the Martin Theatre. Learning to play the bass, sight read, and conduct, our daughter has also learned to be more disciplined and focused, and it shows in her school life. I believe the orchestra program has played a major part in shaping who she is becoming: a phenomenal young woman, a scholar, and a very talented musician. — Sistema Ravinia orchestra parent Jazz Mentor Program Talented Chicago high school students who have a passion for jazz are mentored by an ensemble of the city’s nest musicians in the eld, deepening their skills for performances, future professional studies, and music careers. Ravinia Lawndale Family Music School rough a partnership between Ravinia and Chicago’s North Lawndale community, rooted in mutual love for music, tuition-free programs provide opportunities for cultural enrichment and access to the arts for Lawndale’s children, adults, and families. RAVINIA.ORG • RAVINIA MAGAZINE Ravinia is proud to announce the completion of the Building the Future of Reach Teach Play campaign, which was launched to achieve two goals: Wo SUoYLGe oXU KeUDOGeG 5eDcK 7eDcK 3OD\ PXVLc eGXcDWLoQ SUoJUDPV with the underpinning they need as they grow and inspire more children and families than ever before; and to develop a building on Ravinia’s cDPSXV WKDW ZLOO Ee WKe QexXV of 5eDcK 7eDcK 3OD\ KoVWLQJ PXcK QeeGeG office VSDce foU WKe VWDff ZLWK WKe UeQoYDWLoQ of DQ exLVWLQJ VWUXcWXUe :e gratefully recognize the generous supporters of this campaign on page 65. 5eDcK 7eDcK 3OD\ KDV OoQJ EeeQ D VoXUce of JUeDW SULGe foU 5DYLQLD fUoP humble beginnings that provided access to concert tickets for those who otherwise would not be able to attend, to its current suite of twelve distinct programs that Reach out to new audiences, Teach the foundations of music, and encourage students to Play music. But despite the great success and impact of the programs, that growth had outpaced its funding. This campaign VXcceVVfXOO\ UDLVeG oYeU PLOOLoQ Wo ULJKW VL]e SUoJUDP oSeUDWLoQV Vo that they can springboard to even greater impact in the coming years. In this spirit of embrace and connection, the revitalized building is named The Harrison in honor of that great pillar of Ravinia, the late Harrison Steans. A 5DYLQLD /Lfe 7UXVWee +DUULVoQ PDWcKeG KLV SUoZeVV LQ WKe ZoUOG of fiQDQce ZLWK dedication to connecting communities of need to the resources of job training andculturalaccess,andthephilanthropicworkthatheandhisfamilyestablished LQ 1oUWK /DZQGDOe oQ &KLcDJoȅV :eVW 6LGe OeG 5DYLQLD Wo ODXQcK LWV 5eDcK 7eDcK 3OD\ SUoJUDPV WKeUe +e ZDV SUoXG of WKe ZD\ WKeVe LQLWLDWLYeV ɷoXULVKeG into what they are today, and we are honored to name this building for him.
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