Ravinia 2023 Issue 4

...an exploration of color, space, and time. Fine Art Prints, Original Art, Commissions. Visit terryluc.co m Email t erryoluc@gmail.com The art of Terry Luc is... ...an exploration of col r, space, and time. Art Pri ts, Original Art, Commissions. Vi it terryluc.com Email t erryoluc@ gmail.com e art of Terry Luc is... Fi e Art Prints, Original Art, Com issioned Work | Instagram: terryoluc_art Website: terryluc.com Em il: terryoluc@gmail.co Save the Date! 22nd annual One of a Kind Holiday Show Dec 7–10 2023 C H I C AG O ’ S F AVO R I T E H O L I D AY S H O P P I N G S H OW F E AT U R I N G M O R E T H A N M A K E R S