Ravinia 2024 Issue 1

Ravinia acknowledges support from the Illinois Arts Council. OFFICIAL PARTNERS: Discover, Official Card • Midtown Athletic Clubs, Official Club TerlatoWines, Official Wine Sponsor • Joe &Ross Ice Cream, Exclusive Ice CreamSponsor LeadReachTeachPlaySponsor: @raviniafestival Connect With Us TAYLOR James Vol. 17,No. 1 June7– June30 MARIN ALSOP’S DREAM TEAM ANTONIOSÁNCHEZ’S BIRDMAN ,FROM SCORETOSTAGE EVOLVING BASSIST RUFUS REID SINGING ABOUT WHY WE’RE HERE ONTHECOVER James Taylor Photo: James O’Mara Program notes start on page 59 4 Welcome from the President and the Chairman 6 That’s Why We’re Here Premier pop singer-songwriter and rock balladeer James Taylor returns. By James Turano 12 Dream Team From Seminario to space, Marin Alsop leads a soaring suite this summer. By Wynne Delacoma 18 Status Cymbal Antonio Sánchez comes full circle performing Birdman live. By Donald Liebenson 88 The Involving Bassist Rufus Reid has all the pluck to play, teach, and write. By Kyle MacMillan 93 Ravinia Backstage A behind-the-scenes conversation I N FORMAT I ON 26 Ravinia Steans Music Institute 28 Reach Teach Play 31 Salute to Sponsors 41 Ravinia Supporters: Annual Fund, Corporate Partners, Matching Gifts, Fundraising Events, Ravinia Steans Music Institute, Reach Teach Play, Special Gifts 94 Ravinia Festival Association: Board of Trustees, Women’s Board, Associates Board, Advisory Council 96 Park Information and Park Map June 7 – June 30 Contents 88 12 18 RAVINIAMAGAZINE • JUNE 7 – JUNE 30, 2024 2