C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
C A K E S , C A N D Y , C O N F E C T I O N S & D E S S E R T S
While wedding cake is the mainstay of wedding desserts,
many brides and grooms opt to also have a dessert table
for a variety of indulgences, which in itself is a great way to
cater to many types of dietary lifestyles
With many people today having some dietary restriction
— dairy, gluten, nuts, vegan — bakers can create many
different concoctions to suit everyone’s needs.
Brides and grooms shouldn’t have to have food that they
can’t eat at their wedding. If the couple is gluten-free, then
all of the food served at the wedding should be gluten-
free because you don’t want to run the risk of cross-
contamination and getting sick during or after the wedding.
Nowadays, many bakers can take classic dessert favorites
and make them in a way that accommodates a variety
of dietary needs. Most can do almost anything that’s at a
normal dessert table in a vegan style.
While guests who don’t have dietary restrictions may turn
up their noses at the thought of a vegan or gluten-free
dessert, there are many substitute ingredients such as vegan
butter that look the same and taste the same.
When deciding what desserts to offer, it’s best to build a
menu around the theme of your wedding. For instance a
wintery theme made of gluten-free snowflake cupcakes,
gingerbread men and other seasonal fare. Also cookie bars
that feature a variety of cookies and milk.
To help food-sensitive guests know which desserts are
safe to eat, label tables with ingredient signs. For extreme
sensitivities such as nut allergies, bakers can color-code
desserts or set up different tables on opposite sides of the
Separate tables and color-coded wrappers aren’t a scarlet
letter for these alternative desserts, however.
Most of the time, the guests have no idea they’re eating
© CTW Features
Dessert That ’s Fit for All Guests
By Jill Jaracz