58 | FALL & WINTER 2018
Tux tips for grooms
By Matthew M. F. Miller, CTW Features
So you’ve popped the question and perhaps booked the limo
and DJ. Don’t think your nuptial duties are done. This is the
day your bride-to-be has always dreamed up, and it’s up to
you (more than you think) to help make it perfect in every way.
Asserting yourself in the planning process will not only keep
her impressed and unstressed, but you’ll probably have some
fun, too – who doesn’t like sampling food and selecting bar
And when it comes to your big-day attire, you can take complete
control of the reins … well, with her permission, of course.
Whether a formal or more casual affair, today’s grooms are
keeping style in mind when walking down the aisle. For tuxedo-
clad grooms, cummerbunds and bow ties channel a classic
feel of sartorial elegance. Grooms who decide to pare down
the formality with a suit can still add a pinch of posh by saying
yes to the vest and walk the aisle in a three-piece suit. Tie
bars and cuff links let you add a bit of personal flash in a very
understated way.
Your groomsmen aren’t just there to usher folks to their seats
and, well, look manly. They’re the guys who’ve helped you get
to your big day and serve as symbols of the man you are today.
Having them stand up with you is your way of showing them
how important they are to you and is your way of saying thanks
for all that they’ve done. If you’ve been a groomsmen or best
man before, you know how fun the experience is, and, most
important, the meaning behind it. Enjoy all the pre- and post-
wedding time with your guys, but be sure to relish in this once-
in-a-lifetime experience with your friends and family on the big
day. You’ll never have a better time male bonding.