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Wedding blessings
from around the world
“May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.”
—Irish blessing
“Bless them as unmoving and eternal
May their lives flourish like luxuriant trees.
May they, bride and groom, together with heaven and earth,
with the sun and the moon,
continue to give out light and radiance.
Thus we do reverently pray.”
—Norito (Japanese blessing)
“Now we will feel no rain, for each of us will be shelter for the
other. Now we will feel no cold, for each will be warmth to the
other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of us will be
companion to the other. Now we are two persons, but there is
only one life before us.”
—Traditional Apache Wedding Blessing
And Instead of numbers, label tables by locations you’ve
traveled to. Part of the centerpieces could be a photo of the
couple in that country.
Other centerpiece ideas include ships, suitcases or mixing mini
model airplanes and other symbolic travel figurines with flowers.
For example, use an Eiffel Tower or a small trunk or even books
about certain locations at the table. If you want to theme each
table like a different country, include little details into the decor.
Consider serving guests authentic food. Using a diverse array
of appetizers from around the world is a great way to create that
exciting travel feeling you’re looking for. Include little tags that
say the name of the snack plus country of origin.
For the main entrée, have culture stations – taco bar, pasta
station, baklava for dessert, etc. Incorporate foods you’ve
discovered on your travels but that are friendly to guests.
Incorporate travel decor with your spread for extra charm.
Suitcases can pose as props for your dessert table as well as
make a great stand to place your cake.
When guests are done with eating, give them entertainment
based on your favorite travels. Cultural dances, music, a game
to decide who has been to the most of the 50 states (staying
longer on the dance floor for more, similar to anniversary
dance) are fun options. Also research the possibility of hiring
performers from other cultures. Belly dancers, mariachi bands
or caricature artists can really wow guests.
For a final personal touch, incorporate an international custom
that has meaning to you and the groom. Some people love the
tradition of newlyweds sawing a log in half together like they do
in Germany. The log symbolizes the first obstacle to overcome
as a married couple. There are many beautiful beautiful rituals
and customs from around the world to explore. With a little
research, one of these customs would be a sweet addition to
your wedding.
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