P H O T O G R A P H Y , I D E O G R A P H Y & P H O T O B O O T H
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M60
By Taniesha Robinson, CTW Features
Today’s brides are pinning, liking, sharing, posting (and
still flipping through pages of glossy magazines) while on
the hunt for inspiration as they plan for the big day And
not only are they gathering ideas from photos on Pinterest,
Facebook and other social media sites, they’re eager to share
their own
According to a social media survey, 1 in 3 brides update
their relationship status on Facebook within hours of their
engagement And an online spread of engagement photos
usually follows
People’s style has improved and their expectations have
heightened because of Pinterest, blogs and Facebook Cou-
ples may even feel pressure to match or outdo photos their
engaged or married friends have published online
So what does (and doesn’t) make for great engagement and
wedding photos brides will want to pin, post, print and share
right away?
For many, style means real, authentic, genuine moments
The ability to look at a photograph and remember what it
felt like to be there, to feel a connection with the moment
and the memory
Many of today’s brides are turning to themes and creative
story lines in their engagement and wedding photography to
create memorable, standout images If it relates to the cou-
ple, then it’s a really great thing But unless it does, it’s kind
of unnecessary And, in twenty years people would look at
it and be like, “What’s that?” Styled shoots are great but the
theme should have a purpose and connection to the couple
If the theme or story connects with the couple and brings
out their personalities and unique relationship, it’s great!
For photos on the big day, get ready somewhere awesome If
brides want to capture the preparation before walking down
the aisle, a messy hotel room or bathroom won’t provide the
best setting The difference between pretty reception photos
and breathtaking photos is lighting: candles, chandeliers,
dance floor lighting, etc
The most important element for great photos, however, may
be to enjoy the day and let your photographer and others
think about the details It doesn’t have to be a stressful time
You’re married and in love and you can just take pictures
about the two of you You don’t need to have all these props
It’s just about you
Copyright © CTW Features
‘Real, authentic, genuine’
– how to get inspired
for memorable, standout
wedding images