H O N E Y M O O N & T R A V E L
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
By Kate Sullivan, CTW Features
Over the top works for the wedding
– but overpacking hinders the
To harmonize your honeymoon
packing by minimizing what you
Don’t let baggage drag down romance.
“The days of the trousseau are over. Airline
fees, overweight suitcase charges and
hoisting heavy luggage in tight overhead
compartments has made downsizing in,
if not downright sexy,” says the Travel
Channel’s Samantha Brown.
Keep valuables like iPods and jewelry in
your carry-on and check the rest. Another
item to keep close? A change of clothing, in
case you arrive before your suitcases. And
if your final destination involves sun and
water, pack a bathing suit into your purse.
“If there is a luggage problem you can
stress over it poolside, stretched out on a
lounge chair with a Mai Tai,” offers Brown.
With checked baggage, if packing
something of importance like a video
camera, bury it in the suitcase to protect
it during travel. Brown also recommends
splitting up the contents of each bag with
half his and half hers. Then if one bag gets
lost or delayed, no one goes bare until it’s
Island destinations pose the least packing
challenges. Flip flops go with all outfits. For
women, the sundress offers dual purpose.
“Wear with sandals during the day for a
casual look and switch to heels to make it
ready for dinner and dancing,” says Brown.
But tropical travelers need to pack for
cooler climates too. Air conditioning feels
refreshing at first but freezing later. Include
a light cardigan, shawl or sweater in your
European bound honeymooners do
more walking than the poolside pair so
comfortable shoes become as necessary
as your passport. Brown observes, “We
Americans love our sneakers and there
are some extremely stylish lines right now
that work well in fashionable Europe.”
But avoid international fashion faux pas.
Brown warns, “If your sneakers look like
something you run in or play basketball in
with the guys, then leave them stateside.”
Those craving the romance of a winter
wonderland face the most packing
challenges. Calling for bulky clothing like
sweaters and ski jackets, a good tip for the
cold bound couple involves wearing your
thickest gear on the plane. “Don’t worry
about being hot, you can stow your ski
jacket overhead and your sweater becomes
a pillow,” says Brown.
After a year of focusing on perfecting your
look for the big day, let your honeymoon
be an au natural experience. “The stressful
fussing over diet to fit into a dress, the
perfect make-up and architecturally
challenging up-do’s, the honeymoon for
women has always inspired the ‘make-
under’,” notes Brown. But since you’ll
document this trip with photos, beauty
experts suggest light coverage. Think lip
gloss, tinted moisturizer, powder to even
skin tone and a touch of mascara. Makeup
artist Sonia Kashuk recommends her Small
Train Case. “It’s small enough to toss into
a purse but large enough to hold beauty
When honeymooning, plan to splurge on
treats, not essentials. “Resorts often have
huge mark ups on everyday products. You
want to spend extra cash on a nice bottle
of wine, not $17 on a bottle of sunscreen,”
notes Brown. Before heading for the
airport, hit up your local drugstore for
Earn a stamp in your packing passport by
keeping it simple. When it comes post-wed-
ding travel, the saying ‘the clothes make the
man’ stays home. The honeymoon glow out-
shines any outfit.
© CTW Features
How to Pack With Panache
No matter how big, a great honeymoon starts by packing light and right