A R I A S O C I E T Y S P O T L I G H T |
2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9
October 6 - 20, 2018
Susie Kiphart is an esteemed member of the Lyric Opera
family. She is immediate past President of the Ryan Opera
Center Board, Chair of the Ryan Opera Center Nominating
Committee, and serves on the Lyric Unlimited Committee.
Along with her beloved late husband Dick Kiphart, Susie
is a passionate philanthropist. They have made leadership
contributions to the Campaign for Excellence, of which
Dick served as chairman, and the Breaking New Ground Campaign.They have given
major support for Lyric's radio programming as members of the broadcast consortium,
sponsorship of Ryan Opera Center Ensemble members, and have been generous sponsors
of the Renee Fleming Initiative. Lyric will forever be grateful for the visionary leadership
of the late Dick Kiphart. He was a past President and CEO as well as Chairman of
Lyric’s Board of Directors, Chairman of the Nominating/Governance Committee,
and a member of the Executive, Finance and Production Sponsorship Committees.
The Kipharts’ enthusiasm for opera and heartfelt commitment to Lyric are tremendous
assets to the company, and in recognition of their passion and immense dedication they
received the Carol Fox Award, Lyric’s highest honor, in 2013.
Linda K. Myers
Kirkland&Ellis LLP has a more than 100-year history of providing
exceptional service to clients in Chicago and around the world
in complex litigation, corporate and tax, intellectual property,
restructuring, and counseling matters. The firm is committed
to enhancing quality of life through educational opportunities,
cultural awareness, youth programs, and community outreach.
Kirkland & Ellis LLP has cosponsored several operas, most
The Merry Widow
(2015/16), and was Lead Corporate
Sponsor of the Chicago Voices Gala Benefit (2016/17). Lyric Opera is fortunate
to have Linda K. Myers, a Partner at
Kirkland & Ellis LLP, as a member of
its Board of Directors, Executive, and
Production Sponsorship Committees.
Opera always played an important role in the life of the late Nancy
W. Knowles. Her love for the art form was nurtured by her family’s
musical traditions. “My father had hundreds and hundreds of
records to play,” she fondly recalled, “so classical music was always
in my home.” Nancy Knowles generously invested her time, talents,
and leadership abilities to advance Lyric as a member of the Board
of Directors and Executive Committee, and formerly as a Guild Board member. In
recognition of her extraordinary gift to the Campaign for Excellence, Lyric named the
Nancy W. Knowles Lobby in 2007. Ms. Knowles once again made a significant gift in
support of the Breaking New Ground Campaign to support the Nancy W. Knowles
Student and Family Performances fund. Ms. Knowles generously underwrote several
mainstage operas. In recognition of her outstanding generosity and enthusiasm, she
received the Carol Fox Award, Lyric’s highest honor, in 2014. Lyric will forever be
grateful for Nancy's extraordinary generosity.
Close members of the Lyric family as longtime subscribers
and generous supporters, Nancy and Sanfred were Ryan
Opera Center Singer Cosponsors for many years and
cosponsored the Lyric Unlimited family opera
The Magic
Last season they joined the production sponsorship
family with their generous support of
Così fan tutt
e, and
enjoyed the experience so much they are cosponsors of this season’s
La traviata
. "In the
fall of 1954, I attended
, staged by the precursor of the Lyric. That night I fell in
love with
, opera, and my date. We were married shortly thereafter. Nancy and
I have loved Lyric Opera and have always supported one of the most cherished cultural
institutions of Chicago. It is our hope that our children, grandchildren and those beyond
will be able to attend the Lyric and appreciate what a gem is in their midst."
Kay and Fred Krehbiel are longstanding dedicated
members of the Lyric Opera family. Lyric gratefully
acknowledges their generous contributions to Wine
Auction, the Annual Campaign, and the Breaking New
Ground Campaign. Kay Krehbiel is a leading and
cherished member of Lyric’s Women’s Board, and Fred
Krehbiel is a National Director of Lyric’s Board of Directors.
Devoted members of the Lyric family, Josef and Margot
Lakonishok have subscribed to Lyric for many seasons.
They have contributed to the Annual Campaign, and
made a significant gift to the Breaking New Ground
Campaign. They have also cosponsored several mainstage
productions, including last season’s
Orphée et Eurydice
this season's new coproduction of
. The CEO of
LSV Asset Management, Josef Lakonishok is a dedicated member of Lyric’s Board of
Directors, serving on the Executive, Finance, and Investment Committees.
Nix Lauridsen and Virginia Croskery Lauridsen of Des
Moines, Iowa, join the Aria Society this year with special
gifts to The Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Opera Center,
including cosponsorship of Rising Stars in Concert and
Lead Sponsorship of the 2018 Ryan Opera Center Final
Auditions. As an alumna of the Ryan Opera Center,
Virginia is thrilled that she and her husband Nix are able to support these incredible
emerging artists. Nix is the chairman of LGI (Lauridsen Group Inc.) and a recent
inductee into the Iowa Business Hall of Fame. He is a relative newcomer to the opera
world but loves the excitement of the genre. The Lauridsens are pleased to be part of
the Lyric family and look forward to an exciting new season.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation supports creative people,
effective institutions, and influential networks building a more just, verdant, and
peaceful world. MacArthur is placing a few big bets that truly significant progress
is possible on some of the world’s most pressing social challenges, including over-
incarceration, global climate change, nuclear risk, and significantly increasing financial
capital for the social sector. In addition to the MacArthur Fellows Program, the
Foundation supports creativity in Chicago through its arts and culture grantmaking.
The Foundation’s support helps create powerful performances and exhibitions,
educate young people, and engage communities, while
providing arts and culture organizations the flexibility to
innovate and experiment. Lyric is very grateful for the
ongoing support of the MacArthur Foundation.
Robert H. Malott
Robert H. Malott, Retired Chairman and CEO of FMC
Corporation, was a fervent fan of opera and music, and Lyric
was delighted to call him a longtime friend, staunch leader, and
generous supporter. The Malott Room was named in his family’s
honor in recognition of their gift to the Building on Greatness
Capital Campaign, and in recognition of the Malott Family’s
commitment to the Breaking New Ground Campaign, Box 18 is
named in perpetuity in honor of Robert H. Malott for his extraordinary generosity and
steadfast dedication to Lyric Opera. He also played a leadership role as a Life Director
of Lyric’s Board of Directors.