October 6 - 20, 2018
Facilities and Services
Welcome to the Lyric Opera House! Here
are a few guidelines designed to ensure all
of our audience members have the best
experience possible.
• Please remain silent during the
• As a gesture of respect for other
audience members and the
performing artists, please remain
seated until intermission or the end
of the show. If you need to leave
the auditorium, you may not be
readmitted while the performance is
in progress.
• Program and artists are subject to
change without notice.
• Please turn off or silence all electronic
and personal devices and refrain
from using any device with a glowing
screen at any time during the
Your understanding and cooperation are
appreciated. Please let a member of Lyric’s
house staff know if you have any questions.
Patrons with Disabilities:
The Lyric Opera House is
accessible to persons with
physical disabilities, with
elevator service to all floors
except the Opera Club. The Ardis
Krainik Theatre contains seating
that is accessible to persons in
wheelchairs, as well as seats with
removable armrests. The Lyric
Opera House has automatic door-openers
on exterior doors, and accessible drinking
fountains and public telephones. A TTY
phone is available in the Box Office for
outgoing calls only.
Restroom facilities for female patrons with
disabilities are located on all levels except
the Opera Club. For male patrons, these
facilities are located on all levels except the
Opera Club and the sixth floor.
Assistive listening devices for persons
desiring amplification are available at no
cost at the Main Floor coat check. A valid
driver’s license or state identification is
required as a security deposit.
Large print and Braille programs may be
available at the Main Floor coat check.
Audio description, touch tours, and
American Sign Language interpretation is
available for select performances; please see
www.lyricopera.org/accessibiltyfor dates
and details.
Lost and Found:
Please call 312.827.5768 for lost items.
Unclaimed articles are held for 30 days.
Other important policies:
Photography and/or audio and video
recording of any kind are prohibited
during the performance. You are
encouraged to take photographs and
share your experience on social media
from the lobby and other parts of the
public, non-performance spaces in the
house, as well as the house itself, but not
during the performance.
Lyric, for safety reasons, has the right
to inspect any large bags or packages
and insist that all large backpacks, bags,
luggage, etc. be stored at coat check.
Outside food and beverages may not be
brought into the Lyric Opera House.
Refreshments may be purchased onsite and
limited items may be brought in with you
to the performance.
Thank you again for joining us at Lyric
Opera of Chicago!
Front of House Managers:
Sheila Matthews, Chuck Tucker
Food & Beverage Manager:
Geri LaGiglio
Box Office Manager:
Gregg Brody
Box Office Assistant Treasurers:
John Thor Sandquist and Joseph Dunn
Restaurant Manager:
David Adelsperger
Usher Supervisors:
Lena Reynolds-Sneed, Nate Tuttle
All photos by Jaclyn Simpson, Todd Rosenberg.