Good music is magical, isn’t it?
But what even makes Adams stand
out even more in our respective histo-
ries among countless other artists is the
fact that he is still out there, still creating
and still making new memories for a
whole new generation of fans who can’t
seem to get enough of the way he can
pack all of our most innermost feelings
into a three-minute song.
“ e whole experience of being in
music and being able to make a living
at it beats the hell out of my other job as
a dishwasher,” joked Adams during an
interview with
Magazine as he
prepped to make his rst visit to Amer-
ica’s oldest outdoor music festival on
June as part of his “Ultimate” Tour.
“It’s great that [fellow songwriter] Jim
[Vallance] and I are still getting away
with it; we’re just waiting for the penny
to drop.”
It may be a while yet until the copper
meets the concrete for Adams, who
recently experienced a virtual rejuvena-
tion of the heartfelt love for his music
in the form of his new album,
his th disc with fresh pen and gui-
tar work, adding to a career that has
amassed so much in nearly years.
Adams made an impact with his dis-
tinctive vocals in
by way of his rst
American hit, “Straight from the Heart.”
From there, Adams not only broke new
ground worldwide but also shattered
records in
with the album