F A S H I O N S , J E W E L R Y , A C C E S S O R I E S F O R M E N & W O M E N
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
4 Veil Styles Brides Should Know
Veils are the perfect finish for any wedding look, and today’s styles are as versatile as ever
By Julia Haskins, CTW Features
The film “The Great Gatsby” made a splash in 2013 fashion trends that have crossed over to
current bridal pieces. That over-the-top look dripping with elegance is visible in the addition
of vintage jewelry, pearls other ornaments on veils.
Another old-time favorite making a comeback is the birdcage veil which wraps around the
front of the face from ear to ear, specially for girls with shorter hair.
Even a lacy gown works in harmony with a lace veil when styled simply and elegantly.
If you’re getting a lace dress at least try on a lace veil. Sometimes they can be too much, but
if you find the right one it can complement the dress perfectly.
Don’t be afraid to play with various lace cutouts and patterns to make for the optimal dress
and veil combination. And if the gown is already elaborate, offset it with an unadorned veil.
The birdcage might suit the bolder bride, but nothing says traditional like a long, flowy veil.
If you have a very elegantly styled dress and you want to show off the back, go for a cathe-
dral length veil to enhances the most gorgeous detailed dresses.
And for the bride who seeks a long, but not trailing, veil, fingertip continues to be most
popular length. A really delicate fingertip with a trim or edge on it doesn’t cut you off at the
waist. The style also goes beautifully in an outdoor rustic wedding.
Add on a flirty applique or two to take an already stunning statement veil to the next level.
For brides who want a look with a major effect, amping up the layers will definitely make a
statement. For a more dramatic look you want to go with a veil that has more than one layer,
Keep the veil shape simple and then go wild. Sleeker oval shape styles are not too fussy.
Personalize it with a halo or a crusted comb.
The blusher is another sweet way to add volume to an otherwise uncomplicated veil.
Many women have shied from blushers, but the charming veil is coming back in style and
is widely flattering. Girls are going back to that traditional walk down the aisle, taking their
blusher up over their head. It’s a beautiful design that makes for a romantic moment.
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