P H O T O G R A P H Y , V I D E O G R A P H Y , P H O T O B O O T H S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
By Taniesha Robinson, CTW Features
Lighting, composition and the moment of action are the
key elements of any wedding photograph with or without
If you have those three things then you can do whatever
filter you want. Once in a while, a mediocre image can be
pushed into greatness with a little bit of editing help, but it’s
a fine line.
Stunning effects and filters, however, are not limited to
pics snapped via a smartphone apps. Here, some of the most
stylish photography trends that photographers can employ
to their photos captured via their trusty dSLR camera.
Textured photography has a design overlay that gives a
perceived surface quality to the image. For example, a lay-
er could add a brushstroke effect to different areas in the
picture giving the overall image the feel of a painting. If the
texture overlay is laid on too thick, it can lend itself as a dis-
traction to the actual image. Though if done correctly, it can
be a very pleasing effect. Textures were very popular in the
’90s but are now used less often.
A photo with selective desaturation leaves on part of an im-
age in color while the rest is pared down to black and white.
This is one of those trends that have stood the test of time.
It first appeared in the ’80s but seems to have timeless char-
HDR has been around for more than a century. It was orig-
inally designed to bring value in lights and darks to create a
balanced image in terms of exposure, but if you overdo it, it
looks like a painting or a cartoon. Picture a comic book to
get a sense of what the extremes of this effect can do. Yet,
even toned-down usage creates awesome definition and
heightens the intensity and mood of an image.
This technique requires a night or dark setting and moving
light. Stationary elements are sharply captured while moving
light blurs during the long exposure time. It has been pop-
ularly used to shoot traffic at night, making city landscapes
look like a carnival has come to town.
When film or a camera sensor is exposed to extra light, red
or yellow glares can fill the image. Back in the day it was
considered poor photography skills. Likewise, lens flare
from unplanned reflections or impurities in the lens was
considered an amateur mistake. Today photographers are
clamoring to get these washed out, hazy effects in their pho-
tos. Both can make images look more vibrant, retro or just
plain creative.
Copyright © CTW Features
Filters and effects aren’t just for
smartphone photos. Photogs are
putting them to use for wedding
shots, too
Wedding Photo Effects