B E A U T Y , H E A L T H & F I T N E S S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
by Pascal, Salon Owner and Beauty Innovator
Too often, this is the last thing brides will consider in
advance, which often leads to scrambling a day or two before
the wedding. This unnecessary stress can be easily avoided if
salon and spa plans, schedules and bookings are part of the
longer-term planning agenda. Don’t forget, this is all about
your wedding day.
In my experience as a salon owner, I have worked with
thousands of brides and their families and bridal parties,
helping them look and feel their best for the big day. The
salon visit for you and your bridal team is the perfect
opportunity to create the right mood and set the stage for
the memorable weekend to follow. At Pascal pour Elle, this
might include champagne, caviar, limo pick-up, and all the
VIP touches to reflect that once-in-a-lifetime experience!
So to help with the “beauty down the aisle” on that most
special day when all eyes are on you…I’ve put together a
checklist of some of the things to be considered andmanaged
in advance that will bring out the most beautiful you.
1. Plan ahead!
Select a salon and spa that is of the highest quality and
reputation, with a team of licensed professionals that
can deliver under one roof all of your party’s beauty and
grooming needs – from head to toe. Consult with the sa-
lon owner and/or manager to ensure your comfort level
with his or her approach and how you and your guests
will be cared for. Book the date/s for everything, if pos-
sible months in advance but at least one month out, to
avoid any scheduling hassles. Lock in the date and times
with your family and bridal party.
2.Determine your bridal look in advance!
Once you’ve booked the salon/spa, now the fun begins.
You get to work with your salon consultant and/or styl-
ist in advance to determine the look you want – for you
and your bridal party. You may already know, or you may
want to look through beauty and wedding publications or
scour the internet to find what you desire. Use your salon
professional and his or her experience to bounce ideas off
of so that the final decision is right for you.
3.Fingers and toes are obvious, but don’t
forget the skin!
There is without question a “natural glow” of happiness
on a bride’s face when her wedding day arrives. But you
can also help enhance that glow with a series of facials
leading up to the big day, perhaps starting as early as
six months before the wedding. To ensure picture per-
fect-looking skin on your wedding day, the last pre-nup-
tial facial should take place no later than two weeks before
the big day.
Yes, it’s all in the planning. If you treat the salon experience
with the same advance attention to detail as every other
aspect of your wedding day, then you and your party will feel
great, look great, and enjoy the pampering along the way.
Pascal is owner of Pascal pour
Elle salons in Glencoe, Glenview
and Bucktown. To schedule a
free consultation, visit
Plan in Advance
for that Pre-Wedding
Salon Experience!
You’ve had the room booked
for months…The dress, the
invitations, the menu, the
flowers…check, check, check…
But wait, what about the