P H O T O G R A P H Y , V I D E O G R A P H Y & P H O T O B O O T H S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
Not Just Another Photo Booth
These days it seems like every wedding has one –
here’s how to make yours stand out in the crowd
By Anna Sachse, CTW Features
If you’ve been to a wedding or 10 in the last few years,
you know that including some variation of a photo
booth has become almost as ubiquitous as having flow-
ers and the cake. This trend makes sense — the booth
adds to the entertainment, serves as an icebreaker and
often leads to the most natural and fun photos of the
night. But if everybody’s doing it, how do you make
your version feel uniquely you? Just take this been
there, done that many times expert advice.
While goofy hats, wigs and mustaches-on-sticks are
cute, it’s even better if the props reflect something
about the couple and/or the location of the wed-
ding. For example: If you are big tennis players, then
have racquets, balls, visors and old-fashioned sports
costumes; if you love country music, provide an
assortment of cowboy hats, western garb, guitars or
banjos and hobbyhorses; or if you’re hosting a seaside
celebration, feature things like towels, sunglasses, beach
balls, parasols and stuffed sharks. All kinds of props
become funnier as the night goes on and your guests
get creative.
Another way to make your booth feel personal is to set
the stage. For instance, have three custom backdrops
that switch out throughout the night to reflect different
portions of the evening!
Love sci-fi? Go for a backdrop of the moon. Known for
your silliness? Go for a ’70s action film scene.
You can also create a customized foreground to frame
the subject, such as the gun barrel from James Bond
movies, a fairy-tale window, or a variety of vintage
picture frames.
Guests will enjoy your booth more (and be more likely
to use it) if the pictures are printed instantly. It’s great
to have two copies so that guests can keep one as a
favor, and then paste the other in a photo/guest book
with a message. If your photographer doesn’t have that
capability, send a copy to guests later with a thank-you
card. You also may be able to live-stream photos on to
a large screen in the room, allowing guests to see the
images and adding to a playful atmosphere.
It doesn’t matter how amazing your booth is if no one
uses it. The key is “location, location, location!” Placing
it near the dance floor or the bar where guests circulate
all night will attract much more attention.
Ask a few bridesmaids or friends to get the party start-
ed by taking a few pre-planned group photos. Or just
get in there yourself. You’re obviously the star attrac-
tion, so guests will likely gravitate wherever you go.
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