P H O T O G R A P H Y , V I D E O G R A P H Y & P H O T O B O O T H S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
By Carley Lintz
You spend months of planning to get every
wedding detail perfect – the dress, flowers,
centerpieces – but after the big day all you
have are your memories and, of course, the
photos and videos. You only get one shot to
capture your wedding. To ensure your story
gets told properly, it’s essential to pick the
right professional.
Photography and videography are not the
cheapest parts about having a wedding.
(According to a recent survey, couples
spend an average of $2,440 and $1,700 on
photography and videography, respectively.)
But, this is one area where you definitely
don’t want to cut costs just to save a few
You need somebody, if there’s a hurricane
or a fire or three people’s cars break down
or the bride’s dress falls in the mud, that
at the end of the day is going to give you
amazing images. That only happens with
a professional who has a lot of experience
under their belt.
Finding the right photographer or
videographer isn’t just about technical skills
– it’s also about getting along on a personal
level. Meet the photographer you’re going
to be working with and make sure you jive
from a personality standpoint. That person
is going to be with you all day long, and the
last thing you want is somebody you don’t
like dealing with.
Overall, you want someone who meshes
with your style and personality as a couple
– someone who makes you both feel
comfortable and allows you to have fun
in front of the camera. If you’re hiring a
photographer that’s dull and boring chances
are the photos you’re going to get will be
dull and boring.
Once you’ve found the photographer you
pair well with and whose work you love,
quell the pre-wedding photo nerves with
an engagement portrait session. Typically
done about six months before the wedding,
the session will give you preview of the how
your photographer will shoot you and allow
all of you to build a rapport.
© CTW Features
Your photo and
video crews will
be with you all
day. Ask these
questions to
make sure you
match with the pro
who will keep
you smiling.
When you go to meet with
potential photographers and
videographers, make sure to be
armed with plenty of questions
about packages, pricing
and the contract.
Consider the following:
• What is included in a package?
Do we have the rights to the
images/videos or digital copies?
Do we have to buy an album
right away?
• Can we get our deposit back by
a certain date if we change our
• How much experience do
you have as the primary
• What kind of equipment do you
use (cameras, lighting, editing
• Are you bringing assistants?
How many?
• How much time do you usually
allot for a wedding?
• What is your back up plan in
case of an emergency?
Pick the Perfect