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M U S I C & E N T E R T A I N M E N T

C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E

W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M


By Anna Sachse, CTW Features



Not sure whether you’d rather practice

promenading with a crew or solo?

Group lessons will likely be less expensive,

and can help you conquer anxiety about

dancing around other people. It’s also good

to include both sets of parents in the les-

sons. Everyone gets comfortable with each

other and works on their ‘necessary’ dances.

On the other hand, with private classes

you’ll have the instructor’s undivided atten-

tion, which means you’ll likely get the hang

of the steps far faster and can practice to

your actual first-dance song.


To avoid ending up in what some call the

“Frankenstein Butt Hugger” — groom’s

hands on bride’s waist, bride’s hands on

groom’s shoulders and you slowly rock

yourselves (and your guests) to sleep —

find a class for beginners which focuses on

teaching men to lead and women to follow,

with a variety of steps and simple spins, and

a few dramatically romantic “Oh, baby”

moments that couples can mix up on the fly.

If you’re a bit more experienced, sign on for

a few more classes and surprise your guests

with something fast and fun, like a swing,

samba or tango, says Crous.

Dress comfortably for your classes; how-

ever, if your dress will be a full ball gown,

you may want to wear a crinoline while

practicing so that your fiancé knows how

far away he’ll need to stand. Women also

should wear the shoes they plan to dance

in on their wedding day (or a comparable

height), and men should sport leather-soled

footwear rather than sneakers.

Ideally, you should start lessons about two

or three months before the wedding, Crous

says – early enough to nail your moves but

not so far ahead that you forget them.

Copyright © CTW Features

The First Dance: A Class Act

Dance lessons will help any bride and groom

show off their moves confidently