B E A U T Y , H E A L T H & F I T N E S S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
By Nola Sarkisian-Miller, CTW Features
Once you’ve found your dream dresses and decided on
your accessories — roughly four months out from your
wedding — it’s time to start planning for hair and makeup
and book your beauty pros.
Will you wear an up-do? Or cascading curls? And, how
will you set it off? With a veil, headband or tiara? Make
sure to schedule a trial appointment with a hairdresser, and
bring in a picture of your desired look along with your hair
accessory. The appointment may cost $100 or so, but it’s
worth the money. You’ll have the time and peace of mind to
discuss options with your hairdresser.
The same goes for a makeup artist — if you decide to
splurge on help. Set up a time to meet with an expert who
can help you perfect your wedding day makeup, advising
you on false eye lashes and whether a bronzer or self-tan
is a good idea. The goal is to fashion a look that’s pretty,
feminine and that is you. Perhaps you’ll focus on light and
airy shades like peach, or, if you’re blue-eyed, go with gray
eye makeup to make them pop.
Brides also can save on the expense and rely on themselves
and complimentary help from department store profes-
sionals. (Kate Middleton did her own makeup for her 2009
engagement photos, darkly lining her eyes and opting for
muted colors for her blush and lipstick.) Mineral makeup
may be all the rage as consumers seek less chemical-laden
eye shadows, blushes and lipsticks, but most artists prefer
to use traditional makeup for the wedding day. It usually
has more staying power and photographs better, makeup
experts say. It’s great for everyday makeup, but it usually has
titanium dioxide that acts like a sunscreen which can give a
halo effect in pictures, so try to stay away from it.
Arrive for your make-up appointment well hydrated, with
clean skin and a good night’s rest, so drink plenty of water
in the days before the milestone event. To minimize stress,
brides-to-be should complete most beauty rituals prior to
the wedding day. That means scheduling facials, manicures,
pedicures and eyebrow appointments within a week of the
event. For nails, pick a polish that is subtle, like pale pink or
beige, so in case you do nick your nails it won’t be notice-
able. And wash your hair the day prior, because dirtier hair
holds styles better.
© CTW Features
How to Establish
Your Pre-Wedding Beauty Plan
Your wedding-day look starts long before the wedding. Here’s how to make it happen
Traditional makeup
vs. mineral-based
has more staying-power
for the wedding day.