B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , S H O W E R S & P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M6
Introducing the 2017 Color of the year...
As you plan your wedding, using this
refreshing and revitalizing shade of green will
symbolize your “new beginning as a married
“Greenery bursts forth in 2017 to provide
us with the reassurance we yearn for amid a
tumultuous social and political environment.
Satisfying our growing desire to rejuvenate
and revitalize. Greenery symbolizes the
reconnection we seek with nature, one
another and a larger purpose,” says Leatrice
Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone
Color Institute.
This fresh yellow-green shade reminds us
of the first days of spring and is considered
nature’s neutral shade that is “trans-seasonal”
and mixes beautifully with almost any color
combination, as illustrated on the following
pages. Greenery paired with white, yellows,
pinks, blues, browns, grays, reds, oranges,
beiges, blacks, metallic’s or other shades
of green will make a fresh and refreshing
statement at your wedding.
You might consider using the inspiring color
pallets we have put together for your special
day. Or if you are planning an outdoor event
then nature can contribute to your overall
greenery theme.
For a world-wide environmental look
consider using fresh sprigs of green leaves
for your tables, to decorate your cake,
for your bouquets and in your hair. This
ethereal green and white combination will
be welcoming, tranquil and soothing to both
you and your guests. If you want a pop of
color then use bright of soft colored flowers
or linens in almost any shade.
The Pantone® Color of the Year 2017
is symbolic of “new beginnings.”