B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , S H O W E R S & P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M7
Not sure where to start? Colors that sit opposite and next
to one another work well together. Pairing a bright color
with a neutral is also always a safe bet.
Ask any interior designer how to stage a room and they’ll
tell you that things arranged in odd numbers are more
appealing, memorable and effective than even-numbered
groupings. The magic number is typically three. Keep this
design principle in mind to create a look that’s polished
and pretty.
© CTW Features
By Heather Dornhecker, CTW Features
Color is crucial for setting the scene for your wedding. How, where
and how much you use can make or break the style of your big day.
Here are 3 tips to creating the perfect wedding palette.
Your wedding is a celebration of you and your fiancé, so your personalities
and styles should be reflected in your color choices. Pick colors you love,
not ones you saw on Pinterest. Describe your wedding using a few adjectives,
then paint a canvas that’s reflective of who you are and what you like.
While personal preference is important, you can’t just pick all your favorite
colors and call it a day. Narrow it down to a few contenders and refer to the
color wheel to find tones that are complementary, similar and secondary
to one another to avoid colors looking disjointed.
How to Choose Your Color Palette
Romantic, rustic, modern or lavish, color is key
to setting the mood on your big day
Spring 2017 color palette