B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , C A T E R I N G , S H O W E R S , P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
Vegetarian Dishes Fit for a Carnivore
Vegetarian or vegan? No need to compromise when menu planning. These dishes will work for all guests
By Jill Jaracz, CTW Features
Food is one of the most important aspects
of the wedding celebration. But for vegan
couples — with non-vegan guests — pre-
paring a menu devoid of the standards like
steak and chicken and cheesy pasta can
prove tricky.
Luckily, today’s vegan menus aren’t just
plates of vegetables or faux-meat dishes
masquerading as carnivore cuisine. They’re
composed dishes that folks of any food
lifestyle can enjoy. A lot of dishes try to
mask that they’re vegan. If you’re vegan, be
out and proud.
In creating a vegan menu, some caterers
choose not to make vegan versions of
meaty favorites because people can tell the
difference. Find a company that caters to
both meat eaters and non-meat eaters, and
works with vegan customers to create an
experience for all palates.
One popular vegan option is an heirloom
tomato bar and carving station. Chefs carve
the tomatoes to order, and guests can add
oil and balsamic vinegar to them. Also
offer fresh mozzarella – t’s good to have a
non-vegan option for non-vegans. They
can throw it in there and do their own little
Also popular is a grilled-vegetable carving
station where a chef grills up zucchini,
squash and portabella mushrooms, carves
them, and guests can choose various
sauces and condiments. Vegans are not
second-class food citizens, but treated the
same way we treat meat people. Let the
ingredients stand out on their own.
Chefs create vegan dishes that are at the
comfort-food level. For instance, a nut
roast that tastes similar to meat loaf,
barbecue soy chunks that are like spare
ribs, and a cauliflower gratin with cashew
alfredo that’s like a cheesy potato casserole.
For those that are comfortable with vegan
options, try quinoa tabuleh.
For non-vegans try to create a menu that’s
something they’ve had before and some-
thing they can recognize, like walnut crust-
ed eggplant Parmesan which resembles a
beefy marinara over eggplant.
Create food so that guests have warm,
fuzzy thoughts for the bride and groom
and are not thinking about how weird the
food is.
Do some fun food . . . explore global
options such as Indian and Middle Eastern
flavors that people aren’t normally willing
to do.
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