B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , C A T E R I N G , S H O W E R S , P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
By Bev Bennett, CTW Features
You’re deeply in love; you envision being a couple forever.
Yet for whatever reason, a wedding ceremony officializing
your commitment isn’t on the agenda.
Don’t let that prevent you from celebrating. So long as
you’re respectful of your guests, any and all celebrations are
fantastic. You don’t have to be married to throw a meaning-
ful event.
Because the non-wedding event is less common than the
traditional alternatives, you may wonder how to pull it off.
Some aspects - such as drawing up a guest list, finding a
venue and sending invitations - are similar what you’d do if
you were planning a traditional wedding. However, you can
design customs and rituals that are specific and meaningful
to you.
You have complete leeway on the guest list, ignoring second
cousins and business acquaintances if you wish. You can
wear what you like, serve foods you adore, have fun and ex-
perience less stress to boot. Without the worry of the details
that go into a wedding, the celebration can be less stressful.
But since this is unfamiliar territory, possibly use an
anniversary as the inspiration, since people understand the
concept. Make it five years since your first date or a decade
after your first kiss.
Calling on your shared experiences, you have a wealth of
options for venues, such as the theme park where you real-
ized you were in love to a winery you’re crazy about. You’ll
save money and be more likely to get the location you want
if you don’t limit yourself to typical weekend timeslots.
Have a cocktail party on a Thursday because that’s the day
you met. Have Sunday brunch because that’s your favorite
time to be together.
If you prefer more formal festivities at a restaurant or hall,
personalize the space by ordering your favorite flowers for
centerpieces or decorating tables to represent events in your
life together.
The menu, too, can be a window to your relationship.
Customize the drink menu to have meaning. For exam-
ple, serve the first wine you shared; your favorite beer for
weekends at the lake; mixed drinks you enjoy on vacation.
Or create a special signature cocktail.
When selecting the food go beyond a treasured restaurant
experience. Instead, ask a restaurant or caterer to reproduce
the first - or best - meal you cooked together.
In place of a wedding cake, splurge on the desserts you re-
ally lust after. Over-the-top dessert tables are great fun. Do
them either in themes or in color schemes. Or have sundae
bars or s’mores stations with homemade marshmallows and
artisanal chocolates.
Entertainment depends on your budget, venue and the
mood you’re trying to set. Book a guitarist and singer for
events. Or hire a DJ who has his own sound system for a
reasonable fee. Add a song list, and dance your way through
your years together.
© CTW Features
The Non-Wedding
Who says you need to have a
ceremony in order to celebrate
your love for one another?