C A K E S , C A N D Y , C O N F E C T I O N S & D E S S E R T S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
No Tiers, No Problem
Wedding dessert can be dazzling without a skyscraper of a cake.
Consider one of these simpler, stylish ideas for your sweet treats
By Anna Sachse, CTW Features
Serving unique and gorgeous globes of cake instead of the
traditional slices has many advantages. They’re easy to person-
alize with flavors, your wedding colors, and special embellish-
ments like jimmies, sugars, and glitters. You can display them
in myriad ways or have them double as favors or place card
holders. Best of all: No plates or utensils are required.
Secretly like the tiered look, but want something more than
a mound of the same old pastry? Mini slicing cakes atop
cascading tiers of cupcakes or mini cupcake “shooters” are
still quite popular. This way you can serve everything from
the likes of Chocolate Classic treats to Creamsicle, Apple
Fritter, and Coffee & Doughnuts.
Have a Design Your Own Cupcake Bar where guests make
their own — or have a cupcake bartender. You also can
incorporate cupcakes within a themed sweets table that
showcases cookies, hand pies, candy, ice cream sandwiches
and more.
If your goal is attention-getting desserts, put them front
and center with multiple trios of tempting mini cakes that
serve as a substitute for table arrangements – place them
on vintage pedestals or wood cheese boards. Guests will
first devour them with their eyes and then get to dig in after
dinner. While the many cakes themselves may not save
much money, keep in mind that you won’t need large floral
Want to have your German chocolate, red velvet, black for-
est, and salted caramel cake and be able to afford to eat it,
too? Opt for an array of single-tier confections in different
flavors. Even a dozen should be more cost-effective than a
classic, multi-tier wedding cake. You can order them from
a single baker or gather them from all your favorite shops
in town. Present them on a decorated dessert table and let
guests serve themselves or have an attendant standing by to
help slice.
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