F L O W E R S & D E C O R A T I O N S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
The Floral Details
Flowers can be one of the more complex parts of wedding planning.
These tips help keep it simple
By Megan Patsavas
The beautiful bouquet of peonies you envisioned carrying
down the aisle in all those post-engagement wedding fan-
tasies may not be the most realistic floral option on your
inspiration board.
Although that stack of bridal magazines and all those Pinter-
est boards might be full of flowers from all over the country
(the world, even), brides-to-be may need to consider what’s
in-season, what’s available in their location and what works
with their budget when planning floral arrangements.
There are so many details when it comes to flowers that peo-
ple don’t think about as far as storage, ordering, how far out
you need to order and what kind are available – it’s just such
a complex part of the wedding planning process.
Brides need to research which flowers are available in their
location at different times of the year and howmuch they cost.
You don’t want to get your heart set on peonies when you’re
getting married in November and the florist can’t get peo-
nies. Or, you don’t want flowers that cost an arm and a leg
and you have a really small budget. You need to be realistic
about availability and price before establishing which flow-
ers you are set on using.
Although seasonality is important, it’s not as limiting as it
used to be. What is local and seasonal really doesn’t have the
same parameters as it used to. People don’t have to plan their
weddings that way.