C A K E S , C A N D Y , C O N F E C T I O N S & D E S S E R T S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
Bakers can create many different concoctions
to suit everyone’s dietary restrictions
(dairy, gluten, nuts, vegan).
By Jill Jaracz, CTW Features
While wedding cake is the mainstay of wedding
desserts, many brides and grooms opt to also have
a dessert table for a variety of indulgences, which
in itself is a great way to cater to many types of
dietary lifestyles
With many people today having some
dietary restriction — dairy, gluten, nuts,
vegan — bakers can create many differ-
ent concoctions to suit everyone’s needs.
Brides and grooms shouldn’t have to have food
that they can’t eat at their wedding. If the couple is
gluten-free, then all of the food served at the wed-
ding should be gluten-free because you don’t want
to run the risk of cross-contamination and getting
sick during or after the wedding. Nowadays, many
bakers can take classic dessert favorites and make
them in a way that accommodates a variety of
dietary needs.
Dessert That’s Fit for All Guests
Got guests with dietary restrictions?
Here’s how to put on an inclusive sweet spread