B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , C A T E R I N G , S H O W E R S , P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
By Anna Sachse, CTW Features
When it comes to setting a wedding’s tone
- and balancing the budget! - how you feed
your guests is just as important as what
you feed them. Here’s the experts’ take on
the four most common styles of full dinner
service to help you figure out which one is
a perfect fit for your fête.
Each guest is served multiple predeter-
mined courses, table by table, by a squad
of servers.
The most formal/traditional of service
styles (and standard at black-tie soirées), a
plated dinner is typically the most expen-
sive option because it requires more rentals
and staffing. If money is no object, you can
give guests multiple elaborate entrée choic-
es (they indicate their preference on the
RSVP card) or serve a duo plate featuring
two proteins, whereas keeping the courses
and options limited and the food simple
can keep costs down.
Just make sure your caterer is competent
enough to deliver this style. The kitchen
needs to be able to produce numerous per-
fect-looking plates at once, and each table
should ideally have its own head server to
handle beverages and ensure everything is
running smoothly.
Servers bring large communal platters
of different items to each table, allowing
guests to decide how much of each dish
they’d like.
Family style is a slightly more casual form
of diner service that works well for couples
that want a more convivial feel for their af-
fair, as passing plates encourages guests to
chat with one another. While it tends to be
less pricey than plated dinners (it requires
less servers and precision on the part of the
kitchen), the myriad serving trays for each
dish can drive up the rentals bill. It works
well for small, intimate receptions but can
get quite costly when you’re feeding hun-
dreds of guests.
Smaller tables each featuring a different,
often themed cuisine or made-to-order
option are dispersed throughout the room.
An increasingly hot trend in reception
styles, stations are great for more casual
couples who are into food and want to
provide a lot of fun, creative choices. Many
stations are even staffed and interactive,
effectively becoming part of the entertain-
ment Although you’ll save money with less
servers and seating (guests eat when and
where they wish), this style will still cost a
pretty penny due to the diverse menu.
Guests are invited - usually in groups - to
plate their own meal at one long table lined
with platters and warming dishes.
Probably the most popular form of re-
ception service, buffets are ideal for large
groups and couples who prefer a party
atmosphere. Less formal, they allow guests
to mingle and select from multiple food
options at their leisure. Less staff and rent-
als are needed, providing savings that may
enable you to splurge on a more elaborate
© CTW Features
Dinner is
Expert advice on how to select
the style of reception food
service that’s best for your bash