C A K E S , C A N D Y , C O N F E C T I O N S & D E S S E R T S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
While guests who don’t have dietary restric-
tions may turn up their noses at the thought
of a vegan or gluten-free dessert, there are
many substitute ingredients such as vegan
butter that look the same and taste the
same. When deciding what desserts to offer,
it’s best to build a menu around the theme
of your wedding.
To help food-sensitive guests know which
desserts are safe to eat, label tables with
ingredient signs. For extreme sensitivities
such as nut allergies, bakers can color-code
desserts or set up different tables on oppo-
site sides of the room. Separate tables and
color-coded wrappers aren’t a scarlet letter
for these alternative desserts, however. Most
of the time, guests have no idea they’re
eating gluten-free.
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1969b Dekalb Ave
Sycamore, IL 60178
For Sweet
Sweet Dream