F A S H I O N , J E W E L R Y , A C C E S S O R I E S F O R M E N & W O M E N
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M
Consider the Alternative Arrangement
‘Floral’ designs don’t need flowers. Here’s
how to do bouquets and centerpieces
without the petal power
By Anna Sachse
Everyone loves real flowers, but if you’re but if you’re
crafty, there are numerous ways to personalize your
“floral” design.
For example, make all of your bouquets out of ribbon
remnants, coiling the pieces into rosette-style shapes
and wiring them together. Or you could fashion
the bride’s bouquet and groom’s bout out of vintage
brooches or buttons. Paper blooms provide a rustic
look, while fluffy ostrich feathers feel elegant. Just
make sure your bouquet suits your dress and the over-
all spirit of your celebration.
As for alternative centerpieces, try collections of
different candles (pillar, votive, even floating), stacks of
favorite books, vintage picture frames, or mixing and
matching these elements. Want a more natural vibe?
Use piles of gourds and pumpkins in the fall or season-
al fruit in clear vases for a modern look year-round.
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