B A N Q U E T S , R E C E P T I O N S , S H O W E R S & P A R T I E S
C H I C A G O W E D D I N G & P A R T Y R E S O U R C E
W W W . C H I C A G O W E D D I N G R E S O U R C E . C O M30
You never thought you’d head down the
aisle again, but now you’re planning a
second wedding. For older generations,
second weddings were hushed affairs.
Today people understand the commonality
of getting remarried, and they’re ready to
celebrate second marriages – just with a
little extra thoughtful planning.
Brides and grooms can have different ideas
about their big day, so talk about it. You
wanted to run away and elope. He wanted
big because he’d never been married before.
Compromise, and couple opt for a scaled
back event.
This time around, you’re older, wiser and
know what’s important about this special
day with your new mate. It helps having
had the experience before. Pick the things
that matter most to you. Stand your ground
and be flexible about everything else.
Use the opportunity to redefine tradition,
like a destination wedding. If you love the
Big Island of Hawaii, get married there.
Your second wedding may be ex-
actly what you want, but it’s usually
what you also can afford. Encore
couples are usually a little more
mature and may not be spending
the $25,000 to $35,0000 on the
Don’t be the mature bride who’s
desperately trying to look young.
The princess with the train – that ship
sailed the first time. Choose a dress that
makes you feel great and reflects your style
and the tone of the event. Try a sassy, yet
age-appropriate Vera Wang mini-dress
paired with great shoes.
Whether the first marriage ended due to
divorce or a spouse’s death, children of all
ages can have trouble adjusting to the idea
of someone new marrying their parent.
Change is sometimes difficult for kids.
While children may not agree with the
idea of a second wedding, they still need to
respect it.
Respect their needs too. It might be a great
idea for your children to participate in the
ceremony, but they may not be comfortable
being the center of attention. Don’t force it,
but try to find another way to honor them.
For example, create a bouquet that untie
into multiple smaller bouquets to pass out
to you and your spouse’s children.
Gift registries are important for first
weddings, but for your second, it’s unlikely
you’ll need more stuff. If your guests ask to
give gifts, you can respond, “Your presence
is the only present we require,” or ask for
charitable donations. If people ignore a no
gifts policy, be gracious.
However, registries for second weddings
can serve a different purpose, like provide
a honeymoon package, family trip or help
with buying large household items.
The second journey you take to the altar
may have come through the painful end
of a first marriage, but remember that’s
shaped who you are and how you approach
this day.
© CTW Features
Another Walk Down the Aisle
Getting remarried?
Here’s how to plan your dream wedding,
the second time around
By Jill Jaracz, CTW Features